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Catherine stared at Will incredulously, almost believing she heard the man wrong. "What do you mean I'm going to be with him?" She asked, her tone accusing but she wasn't sure why. Taking a step closer to Will, she felt her heart begin to race, her stomach growing queasy. What has Will been planning since she last saw him? She hadn't spoken to him since that night with Jack; he couldn't have possibly made a whole plan just based off her confession, could he?

Clasping her shoulders, Will looked into Catherine's eye, sensing the emotions she was beginning to feel. "You are going to go with him. We are going to stop the hanging, save him from the gallows. I promise you, Catherine, you are not going to lose the man you love."

His words were beyond description in her mind. It occurred to her that he really did love her, enough to put aside his feelings towards the man to focus on hers.

The stare between them didn't break.

A frown graced her lips, meeting the pinch in her brows.

"I can't go," She finally said.

"Why not?" Will raised his brow, sliding his hands down her arms and into her fingers.

The feeling made her feel warmed, allowed her to breathe easily. "Because I can't leave you. I can't leave Elizabeth. My parents. My father is growing old in years, my mother can't face that alone. I can't bare myself to say goodbye to them; I'm their only child. And, my god, you are the only friend I have, and I yours. I can't leave you, and Elizabeth, she is going to face an unhappy marriage, I can't let her misery to consume her." Catherine rambled, her voice shaking along with her head.

Hands squeezed hers, causing her to look up to the pair of beautiful brown eyes. "Catherine Bailey, you are an extraordinary friend, daughter, and cousin...you always put the ones you love before yourself, its why we love you so. But you, my friend," he cupped a cheek, "need to put your happiness first this time. I saw how happy you were being out there, seeing the world, falling in love." Will paused, giving her a small smile, "Become the character in the books you love to read. Live the adventures of them. We will still be here when you make your returns, all of us."

Tears prickled her eyes, mirroring Will's smile, just a tad waterier. It always annoyed her when Will was right, especially with things she tend to be right about. If the roles were reversed, and Will was facing his chance of happiness, Catherine would drag him to that destination by his ear.

But the roles aren't reversed, it's her choice of happiness on the line; her chance, her choice.

Opening her arms, she threw herself around her best friend, nuzzling her nose against his shoulder. "I love you, Will, never forget that," She whispered, sniffling.

Chuckling vibrated against her. "I won't, so long as you never forget that I love you." He held her tightly, giving a strong squeeze. Pulling back, he captured her forearms in his hands. "You are my family. Always." He nodded.

"Always," She repeated.

Will gave a deep sigh, pulling apart from her. "We must go, before its too late."

Sniffling once more, Catherine wiped her nose, nodding. "Right, come on." She turned, increasing her pace across the backyard towards her house. Having to say goodbye to her parents again was something she instantly began to dread. It had only been a couple days ago since she had returned home.

Throwing the back door open, Catherine and Will slipped inside, walking towards the drawing room. In there, George and Mary Bailey were found sitting in their chairs, reading hand-in-hand. They looked up instantly as they drew closer.

The Sun and The Moon (Jack Sparrow)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें