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Jack stood there in his cell, the room filled with the loudest, ear-piercing silence he had ever known. His eyes were glued to where Catherine had last been standing, wide and full of pain. The truth of her feelings he had been speculating were finally out in the open, he knew she loved him, just as much as he loved her. Yet, she still hated herself more for allowing herself to love him. There was no denying that he had been growing feelings for Catherine for the time they spent together, they practically bloomed the first moment he met her. Jack had never met anyone so fierce, so strong, so...beautiful.

He had tasted her once and knew he would never be satisfied again, ruined for life just by her lips. It wasn't uncommon for Jack to enjoy the company of women, but after Catherine, it seems, the women he'd find company in would never be the same.

It boggled his mind how much Catherine's spell lured him into such a deep trance for her. She was younger than him, and yet, she still was capable of pulling him in.

Jack Sparrow was in love, a thing he never thought he'd be in that wasn't the sea.

Pain burned in his gut, burned in his skin. The feeling made him angry, causing him to hit the metal bars of his cell, stumbling backwards. Catherine wouldn't love him, she still just pushed and pushed him away, pushed his feelings away. He didn't know why until only moments ago, and even the truth didn't seize the burn. Worse of it all, he'd seen her cry, seen her mourn over their love she couldn't have. Jack had never seen her cry. Part of him wondered if she ever cried, and if she did, it was entirely rare.

There was nothing that could be done. Perhaps Catherine was right, they weren't meant to be together. The truth always broke Jack's heart, this truth, however, was the cruelest he'd ever heard. He felt he should feel happiness, relief to know that she felt the same, but it didn't. Her confession did nothing of the sort, it made him feel worse. Jack couldn't figure out why she bothered to come down and confess, he knew that's why she was down there, fighting herself to admit her feelings by hiding behind her distasteful feelings. Such feelings, Jack knew were still real too, almost making him smile. He could get so far under her skin, but could get even further into her heart.

His eyes burned at the thought of her. Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey, Catherine Bailey, oh what a dangerous woman to him. He liked danger, adventure; he loved fire, spirit, maybe that's why he was so drawn to her. She was so different than any woman he had ever met. The fact she didn't like him, or was even tempted by his charm drove him wild. He knew he had a way with pulling in women regardless of their class, it was part of his nature. Catherine Bailey, a goddess of tasteful wit and sun's fire, was the only one he couldn't lure in, instead, she lured him in.

Words they had spoken echoed in his mind:

"Do I challenge your mind?"

"You challenge my patience."

A small smile twitched up on his lips, making him lean forward back into the bars. He pressed his forehead in between the space, the ghost of her skin pressing against his. The feeling of longing for her lips once again singe his smile, causing it to fade away.

Faint footsteps reached Jack's ears. He froze, looking through the cell bars, hoping to see the owner of his heart. His heart rammed in his chest as the sound grew louder and louder, reveling the shadow of a man. Jack dropped his head back in between the bars disappointed.

"Jack," Will Turner's voice whispered, his presence fading from the shadows he was in. He stepped up to where Catherine had stood, making Jack wince.

A sigh slipped past Jack's lips, "Two visitors in one night, must be my lucky day." The sarcasm in his voice caused a bitter smile to grow as he lifted his head up. "What do you want, Mr. Turner?" He questioned, dangling his hands through the bars.

Will glanced down the hallway, looking to see sign of anyone. Turning back to face the pirate, he couldn't help but hesitate, choosing his words. A look of sympathy was written across his features that confused Jack. "I heard what happened between you and Catherine," He said softly, his hands twitching at his sides.

"Did you?" Jack scoffed, not wanting to have this conversation with Will instantly.

Will nodded, swallowing, "I had no idea that she cared for you so much...that she loves you." Jack gave the man a nod, his eyes casting down to the ground. When he didn't speak, Will continued, "And I didn't realized you love her."

Looking up, Jack raised his chin, "And you are here to tell me to stay away from her?" He wouldn't put it past Will to become the protective brother figure by hearing this news. If anything, the pirate expected that kind of attitude much earlier when they had met.

Furrowing his brows, the man shook his head, "No." Jack blinked at his, tilting his head. Will gave a sigh, "I may not like you, Jack, but I love Catherine, and if she loves you, who am I to stand in the way?" Will shrugged, glancing down the hall. "Besides, if you wrong her, she is more than capable of taking care of things before I could even make a threat," He said all too casually.

A subtle snort came from Jack, he smiled faintly, "I know she could."

Will gave an easy chuckle, shaking his head at the thought of his best friend. The pirate had never seen such a close friendship than he had with Catherine and Will. It made him feel content knowing that if he couldn't be there to make her happy, there would be someone who would, even if they were only friends.

The smile on Will's face began to fade off as he returned his eyes to Jack. "All I've ever wanted was for her to be happy; she's my best friend. I don't think she'll ever be happy without you." Will furrowed his brows as he spoke, understanding now she was finally in love. "I didn't think it would ever happy for her, but she's found it with you." He ran a hand over his mouth, "I've never heard such pain come from her before, Jack. I've never seen her so...broken."

Jack kept his gaze on Will, never blinking as his assumptions were beginning to become facts.

"I didn't know what to do when I heard you two speak. I didn't even know what to do when I saw her leave." Will took a step forward, his gaze now set in stone, "There has to be a way to get you out of here." Will nodded his head, his mind swarming with idea. He had to do something for his best friend, he wasn't sure just what that could be. "We will come up with a plan. We will find a way for you to be free from this sentence. I'll find a way to get you out of here, and then you can be with Catherine. I have to do this for her, she deserves everything."

The pirate's chest swelled at the thought of a potential life with Catherine. He'd take her from the town of Port Royal, show her the world. Together they would sail the seas, their lives full of endless passion, romance, and adventure. They'd have a life together, free from the restraints and rules of society. They would have each other and a home out at sea. He would give her the ocean, the horizon, the heavens, he'd give her the world if it made her happy. He'd struck the greatest treasure in the world, the kind that didn't shine or sparkle, it was the kind that was rare and beautiful.

The light in his heart began to fade out.

He'd been so close to getting the greatest treasure in his fingertips, but its slipped out, being pulled so far away from his reach.

Another painful truth.

Pain in his throat made him choke, but Will didn't notice. "I can't have her, mate," Jack admitted, defeat coating his voice and face. He slumped down the bars to the ground, leaning into the metal. "I will lose the one good thing that could have happened to me. I will lose her." A bitter chuckle came from Jack, "I already lost her."

Will stood there, watching the man who always won in whatever life threw his way accept defeat. He looked down the hall again, glancing the opposite way. Settling his eyes back on Jack, an idea struck him. He took a step forward, touching the bars, "Maybe there's a way I could help her find her way back to you."

Hi everyone! Apologies for not updating last week, it was my last week of summer before school started so I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible!

I love writing in Jack's perspective so much! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. I have about six more chapters left of the book, I believe? Very exciting! I knew how the book was going to end before I even wrote the first chapter!

Thank you for the continuous love and support, you all are wonderful❤️

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