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By the time day had turned into night, Catherine had finally finished her mental scolding of herself for what happened with Jack. She had remained in her spot at the front of the ship, silent on the outside, but screaming on the inside. How she let that pirate get that close to her without breaking his nose was beyond impossible to figure out.

Her back had become incredibly stiff and sore from sitting on the hard barrel. She winced as she stretched her back and rolled her shoulders.

The sounds and lights from Tortuga reached her ears, capturing her attention easily as the finally reached the docks.

She had never heard of it.

No stories, no name.

Part of her wondered if it had been a fake place Jack had come up with, a ruse of some sort. He'd take them to "Tortuga," then, he would dropped them off and leaving them stranded, and leaving Elizabeth to die in the hands of pirates.

Will came up to her side, his hand lightly touching her shoulder, pulling her from her thoughts as she blinked up to him. "We are here. I hear this place isn't...necessarily safe, so please stay close to me." Catherine turned her head to look back at him. "I don't want you getting hurt or bothered with. The men here can be quite savage so I hear. Please, don't leave my side, alright?"

Catherine nodded her head, letting out a deep sigh through her nose. She wasn't going to argue with him on this. It was clear as day to see how anxious Will was feeling.

"Alright, big brother, I won't." She gave him a reassuring smile, chuckling at his glare. Catherine looped her arm with his, walking across the deck with him. "Besides, how horrible can Tortuga be?"


Tortuga was truly a horrible place.

A permanent sneer rested on Catherine's face as she walked in between Jack and Will.

Pirates and sailors filled the streets causing chaos. Their maniacal laughter filled the evening air, making it reek of rum, urine, and odor. Gunshots were constantly fired as drunk men played daft games of shooting bottles off of each other's head, as well as settling business.

Men fighting huge brawls.

Men drinking themselves to death.

And of course, the women...

Women clung to men, laughing and touching to please a man in order to make a living.

It was truly a horrifying sight.

"More importantly, it is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga, savvy?" Jack explained two the two as they wandering down a short ally into the heart of the chaos.

Will had taken a step closer to Catherine, keeping his eyes and mind on alert for any harm that could possibly come.

"What do you think?" Jack gestured towards the town, his eyes meeting Catherine's eyes. It had been the first time she had made eye contact with him since earlier that day.

Catherine glared at him. "Absolutely terrible. I have never felt the urge to bathe more in my entire life." She glanced at a man doing something horrifying that almost made her vomit. "And burn my eyes and rip off my nose." She gagged, looking towards Will, while Jack glared at her.

Will winced, nodding. "It'll linger."

"I'll tell you, mate, if every town in the world were like this one, no man would ever feel unwanted." Catherine groaned and rolled her eyes at Jack's idiotic words.

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