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Sunshine and blue filled the skies all throughout Port Royal. It was a beautiful day to say the least. The town seemed to glow with the vibrant colors that surrounded it. The greenery of the trees, the color of the houses, all of it. It was the perfect day to do anything, even a hold a celebrational ceremony many townspeople would find themselves traveling too.

The loud sound of the wheels crunching against the dirt road, mixed with the shaking sounds of the horse-drawn carriage. To a lot of people, it was a sound most grateful for whenever awkward tension was to fill the carriage. To others, it was a nauseating sound to listen to when traveling.

To Catherine Bailey, it was a sound she rather enjoyed to filled the background as she read her books when she traveled. She never minded the sound, nor hated it. It caused a content feeling within her. The Bailey daughter never complained about small things such as noises like this, like a lot of people of wealth and status. She knew how fortunate she was to be able to travel in such comfort within a carriage, never having to travel by foot or horse unless she wanted too.

Catherine turned the page of the newest novel she was reading, snuggling back into the grey, cushions. Most people who knew her, knew that a book was never far from her reach. Anything and everything Catherine could read, she would. Things such as revolutionary ideas to history to even romance, Catherine Bailey would read it. Currently, the young girl was re-reading a novel full of a daring romance that she could only hope to experience. She would never admit to it out loud but those closest to her knew she longed for a full-exciting romance.

The driver of her family's carriage called to the horses, causing the creatures to stop the carriage. Catherine's hazel eyes glanced to the side at the Swann's residence, letting out a small sigh. She didn't want to get out of the carriage. It was comfortable, cozy and she could read without anyone bothering her. Not that her family ever bothered her, she just was not looking forward to today.

Before the carriage door was opened, Catherine snapped up into a sitting position, trying to make herself look like a proper lady. After closing her book, she adjusted the vibrant, orange curl draped over her shoulder, lightly touching her perfect up-do to make sure everything was in place. Her fingers touched the top of her hat, causing her face to contort into disgust. She hated wearing hats but part of her couldn't help but love how it went with her dress. Smoothing out the skirt of her dress, she found herself admired the color for a moment. It was the lightest shade of olive green, bringing out the fieriness of her hair mixed of orange and red. It even brought out some green of her hazel eyes.

The door opened, causing her to instantly look up. The footman of the coach took a step back, offering her his hand. "Miss Bailey." He nodded, waiting patiently.

Clutching her book, she nodded, gathering the material of her clothes and moving out of the carriage. She held on to the footman's hand, carefully stepping down, looking up at the large house. The Swann's home was practically her second home and she treated it so when no one else was around. Catherine looked back to the man, holding her book in front of her legs. "Please wait here, I will try to convince Miss Swann to ride with me in my carriage." She gave a short nod.

"Yes, Miss Bailey." The footman nodded, giving a small bow before closing the carriage door.

Catherine suck in a deep breath and proceeded to walk up to the house. After nineteen years of coming to this place, she didn't feel the need to be announced when she was to enter into it. So, after being greeted by the doorman, Catherine didn't wait before proceeding upstairs to find Elizabeth.

The Swann's home was simply beautiful. It must be for the Governor and his daughter. Their home always seemed to remind Catherine of her own. It was similar in a way but still was quite unique in its own way.

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