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Hours, and hour, and hours had rolled by, but still no sign of anyone.

Catherine tried her best not to pout, but it still kept slipping through her face.

It aggravated her that Jack made her stay behind. Out of all people, she should have been the one to go and rescue Elizabeth, she was her family.

She knew Jack was only wanting her to stay back for her safety, that she did appreciate. There was something bothering him, something deep within him that she couldn't figure out. The way he had asked her to stay behind, the sound of his voice made her want to give in. That alone made her flames die down and listen.

Still, she sighed, dropping her head forward to hover over her forearms that rested against the ship's railings.

"What are you doing waiting out here, girl?"

Catherine turned her head, watching as Annamaria came to lean back against the railing.

"Jack wanted me to stay behind." Catherine's flickered her eyes up to Annamaria.

Annamaria furrowed her brows, "For what purpose?" She asked, but Catherine just shrugged. "He knows you can handle yourself. You are an amazing fighter, strong fighter."

The compliment alone made Catherine smile, looking at her curled fingers. "Thanks but I—wait how do you know that? You've never seen me fight." The smile dropped from her face, replaced with a confused stare.

A small smirk grew on Annamaria's face, turning to lean her hip against the railing, crossing her arms over her chest. "He told me."

Catherine pushed herself up, "What?"

"He told me you are an excellent fighter. The best swordswoman he's ever met." Annamaria explained coolly, casually.

Looking away, a red tint began to grow on the young woman's face. "He said that about me?"

A small chuckle came from the pirate. "One of the things." She nodded.

Why would Jack complement her? Especially to Annamaria?

"Why?" Was all she could get herself to ask as she stared at the ocean.

Annamaria shook her head. "I don't know. He called me in, told me he wanted me to keep an eye on you. Not that he didn't think you could handle yourself, just to have another female friend on board."

Catherine had been a bit uncertain to be sailing with all men. She couldn't begin to feel a small bit of relief seeing Jack reveal a woman on the dock that day. Her relief only grew when she walked up to her and began chatting, the conversations only growing longer each time they spoke.

The pirate continued, "I told him I already liked you so that wouldn't be a problem. Then he went on talking about what a great fighter you are, how you challenge his mind."

Catherine let her wavy fiery hair cover her face as she gave a deep, wide smile at the last bit.

Do I challenge your mind?

You challenge my patience.

She guess he did challenge her mind in a way.

The blush wouldn't go away no matter how hard she tried. So, she kept her face hidden from Annamaria. "I don't know why he would say all that stuff. We don't even like each other, at least I don't."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Annamaria glaring at her as if she wasn't buying a single word. She gave a shrug, crossing her arms over her chest. "Whatever you say, girl."

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