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The Black Pearl was the most beautiful ship Catherine had ever laid her eyes upon.

She couldn't believe Jack had been right about her beauty and glory—the stories did no justice for her.

Another thing Catherine couldn't believe was how the crew easily backed off of her since Jack claimed them to be married.

When they boarded the ship, not one man looked her way, spoke to her, or even stood in her way. They had been shoved into the brig below decks, yes, but none of Barbossa's men bothered her. It was amazing to her how pirates will stick to codes and accords. If anything, it almost shows just how honorable pirates can be.

Perhaps, pirates really weren't as bad as people made them to be.

They were rough and vile, especially when Barbossa's quartermaster shoved Jack and Catherine into their shared cell, and were disgusting, daft individuals, but; Catherine began to view them with a little more respect.

She couldn't believed Barbossa allowed them to shared a cell that rested below decks. The brig was much bigger than she had thought of. The long hallway where a couple of cells rested, was dimly lit with candles, it's brightness only at its highest during the day. It was damp and smelled of ocean water--much nicer than she thought it would be.

And out of all people in the world, she had to share a prison cell with Jack.


Out of all things Catherine couldn't believe, Jack Sparrow claiming that she and him are married took the cake. A man she despises is now someone she has to deem as her great love. She had no idea how they were going to pull this off. There was no denying Jack wouldn't have a hard time, he could act any role if it meant his survival, and she knew, he would be able to flirt his way with her into fooling anyone they promised fidelity to each other.

Catherine, on the other hand, was not quite the actress. She had never been good at playing pretend, even as a child. It was the one thing that annoyed Elizabeth when they played as little girls. Catherine couldn't act, and this was much more than playing a game of pretend.

All Catherine could do now was pray and hope that she could be able to get through this an survive.


How as she going to survive this?

What was going to come next?

These were questions she hadn't anticipated before boarding The Pearl.

Her mind buzzed with questions. How was she ever going to get home? When would Barbossa set her and Jack free? What becomes with her and Jack?

Within the decent sized cell, Catherine began to pace, rubbing her temples, a headache growing at the stress she was feeling rise. Jack causally laid back against the boarded wall of the ship, watching her with heavy eyes. "Love, sit down, you're going to rock the boat," His tone just as dull as his expression.

His words made her throw a glare in his direction. She continued to paced holding a curled finger against her lips as her mind ran.

So many thoughts were running through her mind so fast, she couldn't even process all of them.

Catherine removed her curled finger from her lips, "I can't believe you told them we were married, and I can't believe they were stupid enough to buy it." She threw continuous glares in Jack direction as she paced. "Seriously, are all pirates this stupid?" Her hands went up then fell back on to her hips.

Her question made Jack give a soft chuckle, "We all aren't so bad, you know."

Catherine shook her head, "I don't think you all are bad, I just think you all are stupid!" She lowered her voice to a whisper but still shouted at him, just at a much lower volume.

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