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The town of Port Royal turned into a ghost town.

No living soul, aside from Will and Catherine, were present.

The sound of wind blowing the pebbles and dirt across the road, causing the trees to sway, was the only noise that bounced against each building, filling their ears as they continued their walk.

"This place is dead," Catherine breathed out. Her voice came over a whisper, unsure why she tried to be quite in such an empty place. "What is it with people and hangings?" She raised a brow to Will, feeling almost irritated that so many townspeople wanted to see Jack hang.

Will didn't meet her eyes, only shrugged. "No idea. The only source of entertainment I guess." Entertainment that fueling hostility in people, getting them wild up.

A thought struck Catherine instantly, causing her to stumble ever so slightly. This was the last time she was going to be walking down the town with Will. No more creating inappropriate scenes with Will in front of upper-class women. No more visits to Mr. Brown's smithy to visit Will. No more shopping trips with Elizabeth.


Her breath caught in her throat. She had entirely forgotten what she would miss doing with Elizabeth. It was still processing through her mind, and her cousin hadn't even known she was leaving. What would she say to Elizabeth? Would there even be any time?

Catherine's heart clenched at the thought of Elizabeth's reaction to her leaving. The two cousins had just been reunited together, only to be separated once more.

By a pirate nonetheless, Catherine thought at the ironic realization.

A small sigh of relief came from her though, for she knew Will would explain everything to her cousin. Elizabeth would understand, she was sure of it. She would want her to get her chance at love since she could not. It was reasons like this that Catherine loved her cousin so dearly, as if they were sisters instead of cousins.

Shaking her head, she pulled herself out of her thoughts and into the present. Looking to Will, she couldn't help but ask: "What come after we save Jack?"

He gave her a quick glance. "We most likely will have to put up a fight with Commodore Norrington and his men. Most important thing is to get you both to a point where you can escape. After that, I guess we just go on with our lives." Will's voice dropped to a much gloomier tone, making Catherine frown, until a thought struck her.

"So just kick Norrington's ass and we are home free? Sounds easy enough for me, in fact, I would greatly take the honor of doing the service myself," Catherine joked, craving to create some light back in her best friend. "To express my gratitude for your kindness, Mr. Turner, of course." She gave a mocking bow, walking sideways as she did so.

The man laughed, shaking his head. "I'm sure that is the only reason you want to do it."

An false, offended scoff passed through her lips. "Mr. Turner, it is the only reason. There surely is no other reason I would want to! For I could not possibly get any pleasure from publicly humiliated a high ranking man in uniform. Could not possibly do such a cruel thing!" She raised her chin, pressing hand to her chest.

More laughter came from her best friend. "You? Want to humiliate and put the Commodore in his place? Does not sound like my best friend." Will played the game, the smiling continuing to grow on his face.

The light-hearted humor stopped in Will. Suddenly, he sharply turned, grasping her wrist in his hand. His eyes held a sorrow-filled she had never seen in him before. "Promise me you will return home and visit," He begged.

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