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The ocean water was much colder than Catherine had anticipated.

As her head broke through the surface, she spat out water, hearing the continuing shouts of protest holler behind her head. It took everything within her to push their warnings aside and begin to swim across the water towards the ominous, rocky cave.

"This is bad idea, very bad idea indeed," She whimpered quietly to herself as she swam. Catherine had always been a fair swimmer, but she had never been in dark, cold water like this. The question of how deep the water was made her nervous, so she pushed that away as well.

To her luck, the ocean was still calm, settling her nerves a bit. The fog didn't quite help the nerves but she did admire how beautiful and pleasing it was to swim through.

Catherine had no idea if she was going to kill Jack or just temporarily knock him out when she saw him. She groaned, pushing through the ocean at the thought of her saving him. She still couldn't stand him, but she also couldn't stand to see him die. He planned to ensure her safety and rescue her cousin; but why did she feel the need to save him? Maybe a part of her felt like she owed it to him. Maybe a part of her felt like no one else would save him. Maybe a part of her...

She didn't want to finish that thought.

The sound of her name being called caused her to give a sharp startled gasp. She whipped around and looked at the faint appearance of Will and Elizabeth standing over the railing of the ship, calling for her.

"Catherine! Catherine, come back!"

"Catherine, what are you doing?"

It broke her heart to see them worried for her, but she couldn't get herself to turn around, she just couldn't.

"I'll be fine! Just go!" She shouted back, turning around to begin swimming again. She needed to keep moving, if she didn't she could potentially be deserted here. Silently, she prayed Jack was still inside the Isla de Murta, for her sake.

An outpour of continuous protest began to grow faint and distant in Catherine's ear.

The growing distance encouraged Catherine to keep going, pushing her to go faster and shift her focus. The prize was the pirate who for some reason began to speak so highly of her.

Maybe Catherine should learn to begin to do the same.


Out of the dark water and on to the wet, chilling sand, Catherine could finally rest to catch her breath.

Soaking wet, she crawled into the dark sand, her limps and muscles shaking. Flopping around, her back made contact with the coldness, making her winced at its sharp feel. Her chest heaved and mind spun.

Oh, I'm going to kill him when I see him.

Her mind quieted as she rested her eyes for just a moment, appreciating the silence that surrounded her.

Suddenly, masculine voices echoed through the cave walls, reaching her ears.

With a sharp gasp, she sat up, shooting her eyes open as she turned to the direction of the sound.

Good, they're still here.

Catherine's hand reached down to touch her sword that was thankfully still attached to her. Her wet hair now dangled and hung around on her, beginning to curl.

She pushed her trembling body off the soft ground to her feet, and continued to follow the noise that echoed off the rocky walls, with no fear in her body.

The voices grew louder and louder, their words becoming more defined.

Around a corner, Catherine found a group of pirates, their backs to her. She froze for a second before hiding behind a large piece of rock pushing out of the wall.

The Sun and The Moon (Jack Sparrow)Where stories live. Discover now