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"Bloody pirates," Elizabeth gritted through her teeth, continuing to row one ore as Catherine rowed the other.

She couldn't have agreed with her cousin more. The blood in her veins boiled as she rowed, making her face burn in anger. She couldn't believe Mr. Gibbs and the crew, especially Anna Maria. Out of everyone, she had hoped her new friend would join, but she avoided Catherine's eyes entirely as she spoke.

Some friend.

It didn't matter anymore, in fact it just wasted time, they had to hurry and not keep her mind settled on the things behind her. All she could do now was swallow her anger until she can take it out on a pirate.

The moonlight that had been guiding them across the ocean was suddenly cut short as they entered the cave. It was practically pitch black, making it impossible to see anything.  The only thing they could make out was the clash of blades growing closer. Metal banging was a good sign that both of the men were still alive.

Splashing came shortly after as the longboat reached the end of its trail. Catherine looked to her cousin, instantly swinging her legs over the side, grabbing her sword as she got up. They raced across the slippery wet sand and rocks, hearing the noises grow louder and louder.

Light grew as they entered the heart of the cave, the sight taking Catherine's breath away for a moment. She hadn't been in this part before, it was lit by moonlight, showing off all the treasure that covered the rocks and ankle deep water.

Catherine's gaping expression was instantly shut when Will fell just below where she stood, making her gasp at the pirate towering over him.

He lifted his blade, "I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!"

"You like pain?" She hear Elizabeth question before the pirate was knocked down by a golden trident she held. "Then try wearing a corset," She spat agitatedly.

Catherine's jaw dropped, letting out a laugh in disbelief. Never in her entire life would she expect Elizabeth Swann to behave and speak in such a way. She would expect nothing more from herself, possibly taking it to the next level, but it was a nice change.

Elizabeth offered the end of the trident to Will, pulling him up. He got to his feet, instantly meeting Elizabeth's eyes, both staring at each other without saying a word.

Catherine furrowed her brows at the uncomfortable, awkward display before her. Clearing her throat, the two looked up at her, watching her walk towards them, "Glad to see you aren't dead." She gave a grin, taking in Will's hair that was free from its ponytail, the Aztec medallion hung from his neck.

The look on Will's face changed from bashful to one that almost looked relieved. He let out breathy chuckle, nodding, "Same with you." He looked relaxed, happy to see her.

Grunting and metal banging caused the attention to shift. Jack was fighting Barbossa under the moonlight, both dancing the dance of sword fighting.

A gasp came from Catherine as she saw him.

He was a skeleton.

Jack really was cursed.

She couldn't process seeing him and the fact he was currently a skeleton. What was she going to say to him the moment the fighting was over?

"Whose side is Jack on?" Elizabeth questioned.

"At the moment?" Will replied.

Catherine pulled her eyes from Jack, remembering there were pirates behind them. Grabbing Will and Elizabeth, she pulled them into a walk, pulling out her own blade to begin her fight. She looked at the three skeletons, glancing at the trident Elizabeth had, an idea popping into her mind.

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