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Jack stumbled into the cell bars, colliding hard into the filthy, old metal. A sound came from deep within within the sudden action. He laid against the bars, his face contorted into pain, slowly melting into an expression he knew he should have seen the event coming.

"I told you that you wouldn't like to hear what I had to say, love." He spoke hesitantly, attempting to regain some casualness back.

Catherine held her fist that was now throbbing from the pain she felt after punching Jack. The truth, the entire truth about why Elizabeth had been taken, the reasoning of it all. The attack on Port Royal, why the pirates were so quick to disappear after—her mind was spinning at this new wave of information.

"How could you? How could you know this was happening and not say anything to Will? To me?" She hated herself for feeling so betrayed, for feeling this clench in her heart. Jack had known, he had known why her cousin was taken, yet he never shared word of this to her.

"Look, I had no idea that there were any intentions of this happening. I didn't even know why they took her at first." Jack held his hands out in defense as he slowly peeled himself away from the metal bars. "But the closer we got to Captain Barbossa, I began to figure it out they were needing the blood of the person with the false name she gave."

Catherine huffed out in disbelief, cradling her hand to her chest. "And I'm suppose to believe a lying, vile pirate?" Her words were sliced him, she knew that but didn't care, her anger was taking over her mind.

The pirate took a step forward, keeping his eyes deeply on her as Catherine turned to face the port hole. A shaky, silent breath left past his lips. "Believe me, Catherine, I didn't mean any harm. I figured by the time we had Elizabeth on the ship, it wouldn't matter, when you both were sailing back safely, it wouldn't matter." He waited for a response from Catherine but she refused to look his way. Jack sighed, still keeping his gaze on her, "I swear, Catherine, I wouldn't lie to you. Out of everyone, I wouldn't lie to you."

This made Catherine turn back around.

"And what about Will? He's my best friend. He trusted you, kept cautious of you, but trusted you nonetheless!" A humorless laugh slipped out, "You honestly think I'm just going to stand down and let these men kill my best friend for his blood?"

"I don't give a shit about what happens with Will, only about you." It was beyond irritating how he was so quick to dismiss the people she loved.

Something inside Catherine snapped.

"Enough about me!" She gripped the collar of Jack's shirt, pushing back against the cell bars. Inches only separated their faces as Catherine got right in front of his, her nose lightly scrapping against his. Their eyes met: Jack's instantly grew heavy-lid, lustful, while Catherine's burned with fire.

A blink dared her face, the spirit inside her too scared to miss any of bit of the pirate's face this close to her. "I don't care what happens to me. I can handle myself. I won't let my family suffer for filthy pirates." The last two words spat past her lips, making them inch closer to Jack's lips.

It was almost magnetic.

A magnetic pull the words had drawn from her, pulling her closer to the man a small part of her wanted to kiss.

She froze.

Where did that thought come from?

Her eyes had widen, glancing up to Jack's dark eyes and in an instant, she knew he knew exactly what she had been thinking.

A subtle sign of smugness graced his face: eyes and lips.

Jack slowly leaned his face down closer to Catherine's level, his words growing softer and softer. Everything with inside her froze as his lips lightly grazed over hers, never fully touching. Her eyes fell down to his lips, watching the way they moved, the way they taunted her, and she knew Jack was doing the same thing.

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