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KLAUS DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY HE POURED HIS HEART out to Isabelle Winchester when he was supposed to ask her for lunch where he would have special plans to have that girl confess what she was and what she wanted from Elijah

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KLAUS DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY HE POURED HIS HEART out to Isabelle Winchester when he was supposed to ask her for lunch where he would have special plans to have that girl confess what she was and what she wanted from Elijah.

The girl must have gotten in his head with her fake daddy issues to make him sympathize with her. She did seem genuine though, but that paranoia in Klaus couldn't help but believe that everyone lied to him all the time.

After dealing with Davina Claire and her little boyfriend, the Hybrid made his way to Bayou Clinic to find the mother of his child.

"Wow! You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family! Having an off day?" Rebekah asked her brother with a glare.

"Who took her, Rebekah?" Klaus asked, trying to remain calm that someone was going to hurt his child.

After a little bit of chit-chat, the siblings found Hayley outside with her clothes in tatters, but she was completely healed. Rebekah deducted that the Vampire blood in the kid's system healed her, a fact that made Klaus smiled.

Hayley was so tired she collapsed mid-way through their conversation and the siblings had to take her back home.

"So, is Isabelle coming?" Rebekah asked her brother as he drove the car back to the mansion where they were staying.

"Yeah," Klaus said, looking straight on the road.

"Who's Isabelle?" Hayley mumbled as her eyes opened. So much for sleeping for days. The woman must have slept for an hour.

"Izzy Winchester, my new best friend," Rebekah said, "Great gal, Elijah adores, Klaus suspects she's against us since he couldn't compel her."

Klaus scoffed, "Sister-"

"Wait did you say Winchester?" Hayley asked cutting Klaus off and sitting straight. It took her a minute to register the girl's name because of how tired she was.

"Yes," Rebekah said, "Why?"

"When I was with my pack we were told about this family of hunters," Hayley said, "Human hunters, but they were sharp. And smart. This family - the Winchester's - they're pretty famous among the supernatural community."

"Now, why is that?" Klaus inquired.

"John Winchester's wife was killed by some creature. Everyone thinks it was a demon with yellow-eyes," Hayley said.

"Nonsense!" Rebekah said, "There's no such thing as demons! Must have been a wolf."

"Wolves don't kill innocent mothers in their daughter's nursery, Rebekah," Hayley defended her kind, "And wolves don't kill in human form anyway. Whoever John Winchester saw his daughter, Isabelle's nursery had a human body and yellow eyes.

"Could she be a hunter?" Rebekah asked.

"Human hunters don't know about your family," Hayley said, "To them, you're all just a myth. They think vervain is some sort of garlic, and they don't know about compulsion at all."

"So these hunters do take vervain then?" Klaus asked, "That explains why Isabelle resisted my compulsion. But my real question, Hayley, is how you know all that?"

"Not all hunters are bad," Hayley said, "This one really skinny guy, he knew my pack. Used to come to play with the children and keep other hunters off us, in return, we'd give him the information on all the packs that killed humans for sport. He'd bring newly triggered Werewolves to us and you know, everything went on great. Still does, as far as I know."

"Did he say anything about demons?" Rebekah asked curiously.

"He talked about ghosts, but we never asked about demons," Hayley said, "I guess everyone was afraid to know if those stories were true."

"It's all just a story, love," Klaus said, "No need to worry about stories. Let's worry about Isabelle Winchester."

"Come on, Nik, we don't even know if she's the same Isabelle," Rebekah said, "And her brother's a nerd for goodness's sake! He could never handle a gun!"

"The names of John Winchester's sons would happen to be Sam and Dean, would it?" Klaus asked the pregnant Werewolf, who nodded, "And then it's settled. We hunt the hunter."

"Absolutely not!" Rebekah exclaimed, "We don't even know why she's here! She could be genuine for god's sake, Nik! She might not even know her father's a hunter, there's got to be an explanation."

"Anyway to get rid of the vervain?" Hayley asked.

"We can lock her in the cellar for twenty-four hours and compel her to tell the truth and she leaves alive with no memory of it," Rebekah said glaring daggers at her brother.

"And I kill her if not," Klaus said.

"But," Rebekah spoke with a sharp tone, a glare still aimed at her elder brother, "You will first talk to her and if you still don't trust her lock her in the cellar."

Klaus groaned, this could have been finished very easily if his sister didn't start liking the hunter, "Fine! Happy, now?"

"Just peachy," She snapped.


Yeah, so, the skinny guy is Garth. Oh, and Klaus is onto Izzy. Fun.

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