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"YOU SURE YOUR BUDDIES MIGHT HAVE A SOLUTION?" MARCEL ASKED ISABELLE as the duo left Davina's room where she was erasing Klaus Mikaelson's compulsion on Josh.

"Probably," Izzy said, "Daniel Elkins was a genius when it came to hunting Vamps. No offence, by the way."

"None taken," Marcel said truthfully, "I think you'd want to make an excuse for Cami right now."

"Oh, that won't be necessary," Another voice said, alarming Marcel and Isabelle as they looked around. Their eyes were then diverted a certain blonde in the room.

"My brother made a few excuses for Isabelle to sweet Camille," Rebekah Mikaelson said.

"Oh, great, it's the Original Bitch," Isabelle with a scornful look.

"At least I'm not the one who kidnapped a pregnant woman," The blonde said with a glare.

"Couldn't stay away, huh?" Marcel smirked at her. The blonde zoomed in front of him, slamming him onto the floor as she held her stiletto-heel-clad foot against his neck.

"MARCEL!" Isabelle asked looking alarmed. Her first instinct was to attack the Original with her knife, but seeing how Klaus stole it, she had to improvise by breaking the legs of a wooden chair and pointing them at Rebekah in a threatening manner, "Let him go!"

"This has nothing to do with you," Rebekah told the hunter whole glaring at Marcel who wasn't even the slightest worried about his life, "Your dear friend clearly has no moral compass."

"Bold words coming from the girl who held me hostage in her house," Izzy snapped. She realized that the anger that Klaus had compelled away from her at the Mikaelson Mansion was suddenly all coming back at once. Her hate for Rebekah Mikaelson and her brothers was intensifying every second.

"I was half-past Louisiana when I found out you invaded our home. What have you done with Hayley?" Rebekah asked Marcel with a furious look, while ignoring Isabelle.

Marcel on the other hand seemed to be enjoying this situation very much even while struggling to breathe, "You're so hot when you're angry."

Rebekah furiously lifted Marcel up off the ground and threw him against the nearby wall, causing him to bounce off and fall into a heap on the floor.

Isabelle ran to him, dropping the home-made wooden stakes she made, and helped him stand up as he groaned.

"You used him!" Rebekah cried.

"I'm pretty sure that was mutual," He said with his arm around Izzy.

"Beguiled by your charms, I slept with you like a fool, led you to our home, and then you took Hayley?" 

"Wait, what?" Isabelle knew Marcel very well over that past six months, and she knew it pretty well that he wasn't the kind of guy who would kidnap a pregnant Werewolf no matter what the reasons were. She was also very disappointed that he made the same mistake by sleeping with Rebekah Mikaelson, but didn't complain much since that was what led him to her.

"Whoa, I didn't take anybody! Alright? I already sorted this out with your brothers. But, it begs the question - why'd you come back?" Marcel asked curiously.

"Klaus learns it's my fault you found your way to the plantation-"

"You really think I'd rat you out? Come on!" Marcel said looking offended, "If you think that I'd ever, in a thousand years, do ANYTHING to hurt you, you've got me confused with Klaus."

"Marcel, you realize I'm here too, right?" Isabelle quipped up. It was very uncomfortable being  in the middle of Marcel and Rebekah's love confession.

"All your charms and flirtations simply prove that you're every bit the liar and manipulator that Klaus is," Izzy was pretty sure Rebekah broke Marcel's heart with that one sentence. At least he'd finally move on from her.

"I think I'll go," Isabelle said awkwardly, leaving her friend and enemy alone to go see Davina in the attic, who was still erasing Josh's compulsion very painfully.

"I'm sorry, but it's just gonna get worse. Klaus' compulsion runs deep," Davina said helping him sit on the chair Isabelle was sitting on when she was going through the same thing.

"You need to think of something else. Take your mind off it," Isabelle suggested, pausing for a minute to think of something, "Do you like music?"

"What? I can't think of music right now," Josh said sighing and panting.

"Why not?" Davina asked.

"What? I can't think of music right now," He told Davina in frustration.

"Do you like jazz?" Davina asked.

"Not really," The Vampire mumbled, offending Isabelle, because who couldn't like Jazz?!?

"Then what?"

"Club stuff," He answered, but seeing the look on Davina's face, he decided to elaborate, "House? Trance? You know, 'unce unce unce unce?'"

"She's sixteen, Josh," Isabelle said.

"Yeah, I don't go to clubs," The witch said with her arms folded.

"When I was sixteen I'd been to, like, a hundred clubs," He paused thinking for a moment, "God, that was only four years ago. It feels like another life. All I wanted to do is meet boys. Things are so much more complicated. Now, all I want to do is meet boys, feed on people's blood, get one of those daylight rings so I don't burn in the sunlight," He laughed bitterly, "All perfectly normal things."

"My to-do list consists of taking revenge on the Original family for kidnapping me," Isabelle snorted, "Before that my life was hunting monsters for a living."

"You don't realize how awesome that sounds," Josh said.

"Not really. I had to live in stinky motels," Isabelle rolled her eyes, "And listening to my brother's stupid AC/DC on repeat."

"That must suck," Josh laughed, he then turned to Davina, "So, what do you listen to?"

"I like the classics. Puccini, Bach, Mozart. I took piano, not that it matters while I'm stuck here," She pouted.

"Why not?" The Vampire asked.

"Marcel's worried that someone could hear," Davina sighed, "It's not his fault, he just wants to keep me safe."

"Safe from what?"

 "Basically, a coven of psycho witches wants to sacrifice me in a blood ritual," Davina explained.

"The Mikaelson's aren't the only psycho's in this city apparently," Isabelle added,

"Oh! Wow, okay, uhhh... I'm sorry?" Josh said awkwardly.

"Don't be. I'm going to destroy them all. And once they're gone, everything will go back to normal. I'll have my old life back!"

"And I'll definitely help," Isabelle said with a warm smile, "I hate psycho's anyway."

"You guys scarily badass," Josh said.

"I know."


Davina and Isabelle are a forced to reckon with! Although I am NOT excited for a certain part in the future. Not even a little. And I shall be half staked to death, but you know, only half.

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