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"YOU NEED TO KILL HER," SOPHIE TOLD THEM as they talked about what to do with this whole hunter situation

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"YOU NEED TO KILL HER," SOPHIE TOLD THEM as they talked about what to do with this whole hunter situation. Klaus had left Isabelle left, even though Rebekah and Elijah told him otherwise. To calm them down, the Hybrid let her walk free in the dungeon without any ropes on her hands. That didn't make the two Originals any calm, but it was better than Klaus killing her.

The Hybrid compelled her to not try and run away and then the four called Sophie Daveruax to see if her witch mind had any ideas.

Neither of them liked Sophie too much, but they were running out of options, but the witch's suggestion was something not liked by Elijah and Rebekah, and Hayley too (for some reason).

"You don't understand!" Sophie said, "That girl is a Winchester! She won't just bring hunters here, she'll bring everything that hates her and her family!"

"What is that exactly?" Rebekah asked.

"I can't tell you," The witch said, "Rowena, she's a powerful witch, she let us know that the Winchester's have things fated for them, but we swore that no one other than a Witch would know those secrets."

"You witches and your secrets," Klaus groaned, "We can't kill the girl."

"Are you bipolar or something?" Hayley asked, "Two seconds ago you wanted to kill her."

"Now, if we kill Davina's friend, she, might not come to us," Klaus said, noticing Sophie's eyes perk up on the mention of the Harvest Witch's name, "And if she has enemies, she must have allies too?"

"Maybe," Sophie said, "I suggest we test that theory."

"What do you mean?" Elijah inquired.

"I need to do a test," Sophie said, "Where is the girl?"

Klaus and Elijah took the Witch down to the cellar where Isabelle was walking around looking frustrated as to why she couldn't even try to escape.

"Sophie, Isabelle. Isabelle, Sophie," Klaus said opening the gate and letting the witch in, "I see you're adjusting."

"Fuck you!" Izzy glared.

"If you wish," Klaus smirked as Elijah sighed in annoyance.

"Makes sense, the one guy I like is a psychopath who kidnaps me with his brother and sister," Isabelle said folding her arms and glaring at Elijah, "And also turns out to be a monster."

"I'm doing this to protect my family," Elijah said, hoping maybe one she'd forgive him for this, "I'm sorry, Isabelle."

"You can shove your apology up your ass!" Izzy sneered, she then glared at Sophie, "You too, witch!"

She said the word like it was poison. The brunette had dealt with a few witches and they were all the same. Bitches.

"Alright, definitely Winchester," Sophie said, she took out a knife.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asked, staring at the knife.

"Ad Sonum!" Sophie chanted while doing a gesture with her hand, the brothers fell down on the floor unconscious. The spell wouldn't work long on them, but long enough for the witch to kill the hunter whose father killed her mother, "This is for my mom!"

Before the witch could stab her, Isabelle ducked and moved to the wooden chair. She broke it's legs off and made two weapons to defend herself.

"Alright, bitch," Isabelle attacked her and dropped the knife out of her hand.

"Casser les os!" Sophie chanted causing the Winchester to drop the wooden chair legs and fall on the floor in pain as her bones broke one by one, "No offense, your dad is a dick."

If Isabelle wasn't in pain, she would have probably said, 'I know that', but she was yelling pain as every bone in her body broke. Of course, she had broken bones before, being a hunter, but not all of them at the same time.

"Silencio!" Sophie muttered so that Rebekah or Hayley wouldn't hear the girl screaming in pain and come to stop the witch from killing her, "Goodbye, baby Winchester."

She took her knife from the floor and attacked the girl, who couldn't even register anything through the pain, but before Sophie could finish the kill, she was stopped.

An invisible force stopped the witch. What followed next was screeching in a way that made Sophie's ears bleed until Isabelle used what power she had left and knocked the witch out. It then just stopped as Isabelle fell on the floor.

Rebekah came down, hearing the screeching, and found her brothers and Sophie Deveraux unconscious and a hunter crouching down in pain.


Well, that was a close call. Wonder what saved Izzy?

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