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ISABELLE SPENT THE REST OF THE DAY WITH DAVINA, who seemed pretty low. Marcel had texted her that she was acting weird, so the Winchester girl assumed that things didn't go well with Tim, but she didn't make the girl talk about it.

To cheer the girl, Izzy told her they'd go shopping the next day and she'd buy her anything she wanted. The teen was pretty happy by the proposal and Marcel was pretty willing as long as Davina promised to not wander off alone again.

One of Isabelle's friends at the bar had offered to finish her shift that day since she was going for a date- No, lunch with Klaus. Izzy tried to not think of this as a date, and she tried to not look forward to it either like last time and jinx it.

Today was going to be fairly easy, considering that her classes got over early on Friday so she had enough time to go to lunch with Klaus, shopping with Davina, and take care of her problems.

Currently what the Winchester girl was worried about Camille and Thierry. Her blonde friend had been acting really weird so she decided to talk to Kieran O'Connell about it. The brunette had his number for emergencies in case Cami wasn't available and she knew the Priest pretty well too, so she just called him while she was walking to her college.

"Hello?" Kieran's voice said.

"Kerien, it's Izzy," The brunette said.

"Oh, Izzy, it's good to hear from you again," the priest said, "Is everything okay?"

"Not exactly," Isabelle said, "It's about Cami."

"Is she okay?"

"I think," The Winchester said unsurely, "I mean, she's been acting pretty weird for a few days. She leaves for work and barely acknowledges me, and when she comes back, I ask her where she was, she just looked confused like she forget it. I'm really worried about her."

There a small sigh from the other side before Kieran answered, "She's just going through some stuff about her brother. Don't worry about her, Izzy, she's gonna be okay."

"Alright," Isabelle said before he hung up, she still felt worried for her friend. Cami didn't really talk about her brother a lot, but Izzy could tell how much it hurt her to know what happened to him.

And, now she just had to worry about her other problem which was Thierry not answering her texts or calls. The two had been really close over the months Isabelle had spent in the Quarter (although not as close Izzy was to Marcel) so much that he confided to her about his girlfriend, Katie who for some reason he wanted to keep a secret from Marcel and Deigo. 

It had been over three days and needless to say she very worried about her friend and the fact that Diego and Marcel would act extremely weird whenever he was mentioned.

The rest of her day was pretty normal, except for the fact that she had a few texts from an unknown number during class. Usually, Izzy didn't answer any texts during classes, but this one was taking her attention.

Hello, Isabelle.
It's Elijah.

As soon as the girl saw Elijah's name, she quickly typed in a 'Where the hell have you been?' but backspaced before sending it. She decided to cool down for a second and then send a small text.

Hey, Elijah, are you okay?
I was starting to think you were avoiding me.

Yes, I apologize, I have been in a box for over a month.

Rebekah mentioned.
I assume she gave you this number.

Isabelle had absolutely no idea what it was with this family and those box idioms, but at this point, she didn't even wanna question. Elijah had an old American accent while his siblings were British. She wanted to ask but decided not to.

She did.
And I hope I can make it up to you for not showing up.

But I'm having lunch with Klaus today so.....

I see

His reply came a moment later which honestly relaxed Isabelle because she was starting to think she might have driven a wedge between the two brothers.

I hope I can see around.

Yeah, sure.

After her day was over, Isabelle almost forgot she had lunch with Klaus, until she got a call from another unknown number.


"Isabelle," A British voice answered.

"Klaus," Izzy instantly recognized it, she then remembered about lunch, "Where are you?"

"Turn around."

When Isabelle turned around, she saw Klaus Mikaelson driving a black Porche with a smirk on his face. He stopped the car in front of her and flashed his famous flirty smiles, "Hello, love."

"Hi, Klaus," Izzy said, she sat on the shotgun seat after Klaus gestured for her to come in. The car was nice, but nothing compared to the Impala owned by Izzy's brother.

"You look beautiful, as usual," The Mikaelson smiled.

"Thanks," Isabelle said, "You don't look half bad, yourself."

"I have that charm," The brunette finally found another thing he and Elijah didn't have in common. Ego.

"So, where are we going?" The Winchester asked, ignoring Klaus's comment.


"I don't know many places here," The girl said, "I'll let you pick. Just not fancy."

"I know a place," Klaus smiled before driving off.


The next chapter is gonna have some amazing tea. Action is coming so beware : )

Also, choose between-

1. Klausabelle/Kizzy (Izzy and Klaus)

2. Isalijah (Elijah and Izzy)

3. Sambekah (Sam and Rebekah)

OR THE BROTP OF BROTP'S- Resabelle (Rebekah and Izzy)

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