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Melinda, hasn't been the same ever since she witnessed me killing Lorenzo 3 months ago, l made her watch as I slaughtered Lorenzo, and I told her not to dare scream because she will join him. She no longer eats, doesn't even sleep at night, all she does is cry out as if she's seeing ghosts annoying us and disturbing Signora's peaceful sleep. In fact, she looks like a zombie and has lost so much weight even her cheekbones are showing, and guess what? Bitch ain't pregnant, she was pretending all this while. Of which simply this means that if I didn't kill Lorenzo in front of her she would still be pretending to be pregnant using her round pillow that she has been using all this while. I almost lost Signora because of her, risk-taker she was. Speaking of Signora she hasn't been feeling well lately, she's heavily sweating and hardly sleeps, and when I ask her what's wrong she says she's fine, even now she's sleeping. Anyway, I did my background check on Silver and the man is clean, not even double-crossing me, he was so shocked when I told about what Lorenzo did, but not that shocked because Lorenzo did the same thing to his girlfriend, and Lorenzo denied all the accusations thrown at him, and Silver saw Boiketlo as a liar.

I get done preparing food for Melinda & Signora even though I know that Melinda won't eat, but at least I tried. Signora's scream makes me drop the tray with both meals to the floor, I jump the food and rush to the bedroom and I find her drenched in sweat breathing heavily.

“Th- the baby is coming, Billy!” She screams you can tell hore she's in pain. “The baby, Billy, ” she says through clenched teeth.

“Breath, okay, breath, ” I tell her then pick her up, and rush her to the car then head back inside the house, and take her dress and fleece. We didn't even buy baby essentials and it's all my fault, I didn't even know what I was thinking not buying them, let alone take her for checkups but I have hope that the baby is healthy. I rush back to the car, and I find her groaning. The hospital is an hour away, shit, I hope I make it in time.

Her: “Drive faster you fool! Your baby is coming!”

Me: “Stop shouting I can't concentrate.”

Her: “Are you driving with your eyes or ears?”

Me: ”Both you bimbo!”

Her: “I've been saying that you're mentally unstable, now you are proving me right!”

Me: “How can I be sane when I stay with a lunatic like you in one house?” She chortles.

Her: “You must be out of your damn mind you psycho!” If her talking eases the discomforts then I don't mind playing along.

Me: “I'm no different than you though.”

Her: “Lucifer! Sies! When I'm done giving birth I don't want anything to do with you. Do you hear me? Anything!” I want to laugh but I can't because she will continue calling me all sorts of names.

Me: “Remind me to pass by the town to buy baby essentials.”

Her: “So, you don't know what to buy?”

Me: “Isn't it obvious?”

Her: “Too bad because I'm clueless just like you. You can always ask the store assistants.”

Me: “Keep talking we are almost there, ” she gasps. “What? What is it?”

Her: “My water- my water just broke!”

Me: “And what does that mean?”

Her: “It means that the sack is open, the baby might come any second now.”

Me: “Oh hell no. You are not giving birth in my car, Signora. You are not!” I increase my speed, and in no time we are at the hospital entrance.

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