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My daughter's operation was a success the Dr assured me that she will wake up in few hours time, I have never been this grateful to God in a long time, but most importantly thank you to Sbuda for helping me out of it wasn't for him I don't know where I would be. I don't know if I should let Ngiphile know or what, but she is Lethabo's mother I will have to let her know maybe she might change her lifestyle, and be a better mother to Lethabo, the mother she was once before Lethabo's sickness. And I haven't been following the news lately that's how stressed I was hence I was shocked to learn about Thabani's passing, he was my role model I really looked up to him. Honestly I don't know how Billy does it. He is really heartless, and inhumane too, he doesn't even care about the family of the people he murders, guess trauma  is his middle name because wow. This killing of people is too easy for him, it's just to scary I wonder where did he take Thabani's head too. I've never seen a man so ruthless, and fucking heartless as him. How does he sleep at night mara? I'm sure the spirits are haunting him he doesn't know what sleep feels like any more.

The turnover at the car wash for the past 2 days was incredible we've made money in 2 days that used to take us 3 years to make, the cars were just too much I still don't know how Clarah did it, but I'm happy I can also start a chicken dust business with gizzards & chicken feet, possibly venture it into something big next time plus my car wash is situated near a tarven the drunkards can come and buy. I already have plans with the money, my workers will be very happy about this month's pay if we continue like this I might even stop venturing to working with Billy, that ruthless Italian bastard. My phone rings, and it's my mother.


“Xolane, how did Lethabo's surgery go?”

Me: “It went very well Ma the Dr said that she will wake up in few hours time from now.”

Her: “Thank you, God, finally my granddaughter will be back home. Did you tell her mother?”

Me: “Not yet. I was about to call her when you just called me.”

Her: “She will really appreciate the news. Hopefully she will be a better mother now”

Me: “That's what I wish for too.”

Her: “Okay, I've got to go son your father is starting to annoy me,” I laugh.

Me: “Gym again?”

Her: “What else could it be? Who told him that I want to lose weight? I'm fine with the way my body.”

“Victoria!” He calls out from the background.

Her: “I'll be right there. Bye son, and give Lethabo a kiss for me,” I hang up, and laugh. The father is actually a pastor where my mom attends church, and they have a very close relation, but my mother always tells me that there's nothing going on between the 2 of them. Pastor Simon is a divorcee. And as for me my relationships never last, or maybe it's because I used to spend most of my time with the crew I hardly made time for my girlfriends, I wonder how Ngiphile did it she was patient with me, and not once did she ever complain about me not spending enough time with her, she was truly one in a million. But she didn't approve of me being a gangster, but I told her that this is who I am I will not change for her, she better decided whether she wants to be in a relationship with me or what, because I won't change for her.

She chose to stay, and finally accepted that I am a gangster one thing I never did was to endanger her life, she was always safe. We've been dating for 8 years, and our Lethabo is 6 years old, in this 8 years we've broken up too many times, but we always fixed things. She started changing when Lethabo fell sick, I don't know whether she was stressed, or what, but she changed and started distancing herself from me. Befriending the whores from the hood, drinking every weekend, and always demanded money from me to go, and spend it with friends if I don't give her, she will call me out on social media bashing me, then she will apologize the following day and tell me that it was the alcohol making her to all the things she did, alcohol made her do it, I would forgive her, and she will do the same every time she's drunk that's when I stopped giving a fuck about her, I gave her permission to do whatever she wanted I couldn't stop her from being happy, until recently with that car wash incident, in fact, I don't think she deserves to know anything regarding Lethabo, anyway I will tell her once Lethabo has fully healed, speaking of Lethabo I want to be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes hence I'll be sticking around here in her room. How I missed seeing her pretty face, and cute smile. Sbuda really came through for me, God really works in mysterious ways indeed.

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