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Whoever is knocking on my door clearly doesn't have timing. I groan, and sit upright rubbing my eyes, I look at the time and it's just after 09:00am fuck! I get off bed and drag my feet to attend the door. Mxm. What is she doing here? I don't bother opening the butler.

"And then"?

"I am giving you one final chance to redeem yourself X". I laugh.

Me: "You are giving whom a final chance? A final chance to redeem myself from what"?

Her: "From failing what you couldn't do last night. To show that you are a real man not some fuck boy from the ghetto".

Me: "Ey, wena girl I won't redeem myself for shit. You woke me up just to tell me the nonsense you are telling me now? Tsek vaya la.

Her: "Well, if that's the case then I will gladly leave you, but know that this is not over Xolane. Yabona wena. You'll shit on yourself I'm telling you"!

Me: "Fine by me. Instead of going to look for the fathers of your fatherless children of yours, you are here forcing me to have raw sex with you? Divert your sex stamina to finding the fathers of your children, rubbish". Her eyes get filled with tears. "Vaya la".

Her: "You will regret this Xolane. You will regret ever messing with me, and those fatherless children of mine you are talking about have their fathers".

Me: "I'll be waiting for the regret to come, you swine". I bang the door in her face, and walk back to bed. Who does she think she is threatening me? I am waiting for her shame. My phone rings, and it's the hospital I wonder what's wrong now.

"Hello. Is there anything wrong with my daughter"? I'm speaking so fast my face already sweating.

"Please calm down Mr Radebe, your daughter is fine". I let out a sigh of relief. "Unfortunately, I have bad news for you. We can't keep your daughter here in our hospital you are 3 months overdue, and there are seriously ill people who need the bed. It's either you pay the money or we transfer your daughter to a public hospital we are giving you today to pay the money, or we transfer her. We've been too patient with you, but now our patience has run out. We will be waiting to hear from you, have a good day". She hangs up. I throw my phone against the wall, and it split into 2. Fuck! What am I going to do now? I rub my face with my shaky hands, I have no choice but to take Mzwandile's offer I need to help my daughter, I need to get her all the help she needs. I can't afford to take her to a public hospital. She might die whilst there, public servants are careless, and don't really take their job serious. I quickly wear my pants, and walk out of my room without locking it my T-shirt is over my shoulder I will wear it in the car.

"Xolane, where are you rushing too"? My mom asks me leaning against the door frame with a fresh cup of green tea in her hands.

"Ngiyabuya mama". I get into my car, I roar the engine to life, and drive off since my phone is broken I will have to drive straight to Mzwandile's house, or I can always ask Boitumelo to call him for me. First stop is at the car wash, today it is fully packed unlike other days I am not complaining though this means more money for the car wash. Brian is not around today I wonder where could he be, or maybe he is nursing his hangover. Clarah (car wash babe) hurries towards me as soon he sees me she looks happy.

"Good morning boss. How do you like the turnover today"? Her smile is not to be missed.

"I like it".

Her: "Good. I was so worried thinking that you won't like it".

Me: "What? I love it as long as it will bring us in money. How did you do it"?

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