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NB: There is a slightly disturbing scene, and it's short.



Billy is angry. He is actually breathing fire, I don't know what happened after one of his man urgently requested few minutes of his presence, whatever that man told him it's not tasteful in his mouth. In one swift, he pushes everything that was on top of the table groaning.

“Everyone out!” he yells banging the table. “Are you still here? I said get the fuck out!” he opens his cabinet taking out his gun we all get up from our chairs, and hurry toward the door, immediately as Steven closes the door bang bang 2 gunshots are being fired. The staircase is quite long now I wonder what really happened for those few minutes that he was out of sight. Billy is not one to get pissed off easily.

“I think I should go, and check him out. What if he is inflicting pain on himself?” Steven tells me, we are outside the building he is having a smoke.

“Check who out? Just let him be, and he will never hurt himself deliberately. That man locked his feelings long time ago, so he would never hurt himself, and pain is a stranger to him,” he sighs.

Him: “I know. But I've never seen him this angry at something or anyone before, this is strange maarn. What could possibly get him worked up like this.”

Me: “Stop worrying yourself about a big man like Billy. He will be fine. Let's head back inside,” fixing his shirt. “I really need to get more clients I don't know about you though.”

Him: “Fine. Let's get in, plus it's starting to be windy,” we walk back inside the building going our separate ways.

I'm sitting down now my legs are starting to swell, yes I'm that person who doesn't wear heels for more than 5 hours, I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, and I turn to look who it is only to find Emelda. I stand up, and hug her. “Hey babe, welcome,” we sit down. “Who are you here with?”

“I came alone. I figured that since Billy didn't call me, why not come and surprise him? It's no harm right? And besides I want to see who he is with,” I shake my head.

Me: “He is not with anyone. He actually came alone.”

Her: “How sure are you that he came alone Londy?” sighs.

Me: “Because we all arrived same time, and with one car.”

Her: “Oh, okay. Anyway, any lone tycoon around?” she looks around.

Me: “Nope, none. I'm not allowed to ogle at other men when Steven is around.”

Her: “But he ogles some women in front of you. Why not return the same gesture?” I roll my eyes.

Me: “Because I'm not in a competition with him, and he only looks but not touch.”

Her: “Fair enough,” she takes a glass of wine from one of the waiter's tray who is passing by, and gulps it down one time. “Now, my throat is settled. So, where to from here? I mean you can't possibly tell me that we are going to sleep the night is still young,” I laugh.

Me: “Yeah, I will have to ask Steven if he is cool with me going to a club he hates it when I go to clubs without him.”

Her: “He is not your body guard Londy.”

Me: “Exactly. He is my husband, and his word is final. Will Max be okay with you going clubbing, considering what happened the last time we went out?” she heaves out a sigh.

Her: “He won't know Mel, not unless you tell him.”

Me: “You are forgetting that he has eyes & ears everywhere, I'm sure he even knows where you are right now.”

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