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I keep on playing her video from the club the night where I got the chance to manoeuvre her body, I don't want to lie to you and say that I love her because I don't. I am only lusting for her, and she is also part of the women that I will be selling to Colombian men to be their sex slaves and do whatever they want with her, I will have to charge them a steep price for her, most of all I like her feistiness hence I must always make sure that she doesn't find herself in bed with different men. She has a very big appetite for sex. I first saw her at her workplace when she got into that little quarrel with her ex-best friend judging by the conversation they were having, and it seemed like the guy was her ex-husband, I liked how feisty she was, and that for me was confirmation enough that she doesn't care about anyone but herself, and for a feisty woman like her I have a very perfect candidate for her. The door of my office opens, and Quick finger steps in not looking good I wonder what's wrong.

“Cosa c'è che non va nel tuo dito veloce”? (What's wrong Quick finger)

“La signora è stata quasi violentata ieri e la sua amica con cui sta attualmente sembra che sia stata abusata dal suo ragazzo”. (Signora almost got raped yesterday, and her friend that she currently stays with seems like she is being abused by her boyfriend). Yeah, Silver Dollar put a chirp in her hair while she was staying in my old house, before I became known as “Italian  Dom” I was a street kid my parents disowned me because of my rebellious behaviour I didn't care much though because I knew where I would be staying. I used to steal their money since I wanted to fit in with the cool gang back in my high school years, they were the most loved, yet feared gang, and boy. Didn't girls love them? They sure did, a lot even. I desperately wanted to be with them, after all the initiations they put me through I was finally in the gang I was the happiest dude alive back in those years. I don't know how, but things took a drastic change when we tried robbing this other ruthless King pin. We were punished in the most cruelest way you can think of, we were molested by men old enough to be our Fathers, they whipped us with a razor blade whip they didn't care about us, they actually enjoyed torturing us after beating us they will leave us to die, we were not even given food it was at that moment I wished I was home, I wished I never stole from my parents I was ready to die. Anyway, after months of being tortured some didn't make it, us those who were remaining we were recruited to join the “Skillez Killers Mobo” that was what they called themselves, in all those months that we were abused I grew so much hatred within me I no longer had a heart, and pain was a norm for me.

They made us watch other goons raping women then kill them after they were done with them, or they will sell some as sex slaves in other countries they would just kill people for the fun of it. We were also forced to join their gruesome acts, some refused but me, Silver Dollar & Quick finger obeyed. We would abduct women, and young girls, rape them, then kill them or sell them for slavery, and all that stuff. The King pin was impressed with us, he started making us his drug & ammunition distributors, but he was paying us a little money, and his goons always complained about it once you raise the issue he kills you, he didn't care about our lives. Until that one particular day when he wanted me to suck his dick I killed him in cold blood with his goons watching me they were too shocked to do anything, Quick Finger & Silver Dollar stripped them their weapons, and killed all four of them. The door flew open, and more goons came in Silver & Quick finger were pointing them with guns they looked at me then at their ex boss who together with his goons lied dead on the floor, after all he created the monster in us it was all his doings, and ever since then they started respecting me since we had no leader others went to join other gangs while some remained with us. We formed our own gang, and we called ourselves the “Sicilian Mafias” till this day, it wasn't easy starting it though, and we had no capital none whatsoever we couldn't access King's Pin bank until one businessman offered to invest in our gang he saw potential in us. We generated our own drugs which were 2x stronger than King Pin's, we had to find loyal people who were ready to distribute them for us it took us 7 months to finally get people we can trust, some people are too loyal to their suppliers of which I personally understood, I still do. Years went by, and we merged in to sex selling & slavery, then killings. Years later we then moved here to South Africa since there were gangs who wanted us dead we were killing their business all their customers were coming to us. But Digger is looking at business that side undercover though.

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