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The vibe here is out of this world I don't know how many bottles of champagne I've ordered its free mus. Not forgetting the meat platters I've been ordering the table we are seating in is full. Anyway we  are now joined by 3 ladies, but they are sitting a little bit far from us busy stealing glances at our table. Shaun is on the dance floor dancing his life away, and Anele is probably outside sucking someone's dick Sarel & I, are the only ones seating down, Sarel is busy taking pictures and snapping videos after here I am going to the sex booth, my clitoris is itching it needs some scratching.

“Babe, I will be back right now I need to fetch some people outside I hope you don't mind”.

“Oh no. I don't mind hey, the more the merrier and besides we are not spending our money let them come, and join us”.

Him: “Cool, and please keep on eye on Shaun he tends to lose it once he has had enough”.

Me: “I don't think he will lose it tonight as long as he is dancing with that hunk waiter of his, look at how happy he is. Go”. He nods, and walk away. The waiter comes to my table, and stand before me it's a different waiter this time around.

“Are you still good ma'am? Don't you need anything else”?

Me: “Never felt this good in a long time, and no. I am sorted for now, thank you”.

Him: “Don't hesitate to shout if you need anything I will be at your service”. I nod, and he walks away to attend the ladies. I take a swig straight from the bottle without a care in the world. The ladies keep stealing glances at our table, waitsi I think these ladies are slay Queens they are just waiting for blessers to come, and bless them they look really broke the night is still young I guess the blessers are still on their way. Sarel comes back he is with 3 of his kind plus 1 lady, who has a very beautiful body her dress fits her perfectly, and her weave is on point. Sarel introduces us, truly speaking I am too tired to even grasp their names they are not my friends.

“This place is the Ish Sarel. I mean, it is the plug I already love it this should be our new hangout joint, and who is she”? She looks at me in a funny way, if only she knew. “Never mind that let's get this party started”! She throws her hands in the air, and picks up a bottle. “Sarel, you sure as hell spent a fortune la I hope your new friend here has contributed”. Sarel giggles, and sit down along with the others.

Him: “Don't start Nasiphi”.

Her: “Fine. Whatever”!

Him: “Don't mind her, she is too forward”.

Me: “I am not even bothered by her even her presence doesn't make any difference in my life”. Speaking loud enough for her to hear me she needs to know that I don't give a fuck about her.

Guy 1: “Well, I can see the table is filled with expensive champagne, and food but I see no ciders. What's happening”?

Him: “You can buy them yourselves Bandile, as for me, and the others we are drinking champagne”.

Bandile: “Hhe, things have really changed. Since when do you drink champagne”?

Nasiphi: “He doesn't drink champagne it's just peer pressure from someone here. I'm sure she even bullied him into buying the champagne”. They all laugh except for Sarel.

Him: “You guys don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, we are drinking free alcohol, eating these platters it's because of her. We order anything we want, whenever we want, and we get without even paying. So njer, you better show her some respect because she is saving you money you don't even have”.

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