G2 - Part 4

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I felt the wind run through the ends of my hair as I raced through the city on my bike, my brows furrowed beneath my helmet. What gave Lance the right to tell me what to do?! 

I revved the engine and sped around a flatbed truck, the driver honking and shouting out the window at me - I could barely hear over the deafening roar of my engine. My bike purred beneath me; she ran so much better since Lance had worked on her. We'd even given her a brand new paint job - all black with purple stripes. 

I felt my hand ease off on the accelerator, slowing down and turning into a side road. I slowed to a halt outside of Shiro's new apartment building and pulled a cigarette out of my jacket pocket, lighting up and leaning back against the wall of a nearby alley.

Lance was a good guy. I...I'd overreacted.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. 

"Keith?" Shiro said, appearing around the corner with Adam. "I saw your bike."

"Hey Shiro." I waved. "Adam."

"Hey Keith." Adam looked between us, sensing I needed time alone with Shiro. "I...uh, I'll leave you guys to it. See you upstairs."

Shiro kissed Adam quickly and the latter headed off to their apartment. Shiro leant back against the wall, gesturing at my cigarette.

"Those'll kill you, y'know."

I breathed out a lungful of smoke. "Hah...good." 

"So...what's bothering you?" He asked.

I lowered my head for a moment, then relayed everything that had happened with Krolia- Mom, and Lance. When I was finished, Shiro shook his head.

"Keith...what do you want to do?"


"Do you want to go?"

I stopped. I hadn't really thought it through. I'd been so caught up in being upset at the people around me that I hadn't actually considered what I wanted to do.

"I...huh." I threw the end of my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. "I guess I don't really know."

He patted me on the arm. "Think about it. Hey, you wanna come up for take-out?"


As I followed Shiro up to his apartment, I took one look over my bike - the bike that Lance had so painstakingly repaired, the bike we'd painted together, the bike that had seen me win the race against The Prodigy. I tried to ignore the guilt I felt for leaving him like I did, instead trying to figure out what I was going to do.

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