Chapter 16

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I woke from a nightmare, gasping and covered in sweat. I patted myself down, checking my body for marks, and when I was sure I was fine, I swung my legs from the bed and padded into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes.

I'd been having nightmares about the accident ever since that night. Shiro had come back from the hospital about a week ago, and was adjusting to his life with a prosthetic arm, but I still hadn't come to terms with it at all. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the accident unfurl – only with me in Shiro's place.

I shook off the lingering terror and poured myself some whiskey, leaning back against the kitchen counter. Race night was coming up in a week, and I still hadn't spoken to Lance about me showing him the ropes. He'd texted me a few times, and I even caught him hanging outside the café one day when I popped for a coffee, but I managed to hide until he left. Ever since I'd snapped at him outside the hospital, I'd found it harder and harder to think about talking to him. He said he wanted to talk, but I just knew he hated me for what I'd said. I was a jerk.

As if by some cosmic convenience, my phone buzzed with another text from Lance.

Lance: Are you avoiding me? Please Keith I just want to talk.

I sighed, fingering the reply button thoughtfully. It had been two weeks since we'd last spoken, and in that time he'd texted me almost every day. If he didn't know I was avoiding him by now, he was an idiot. A cute idiot, but an idiot nonetheless.

I groaned and covered my face with my free hand. No, I couldn't let our first conversation be over text. I knew I'd see him sooner or later, so I'd deal with him when that time came.

I exited out of my texts with Lance, pausing for a moment when I saw James' name in my contacts. I'd been so stressed out about Lance and Shiro that I'd never gotten around to texting him. Better late than never, I suppose.

Me: Hey man, it's Keith. Sorry it took so long to give you my number lol

He replied almost instantly.

James: No worries! Hope everything is okay. How is your friend?

Me: Shiro is doing pretty well. He's back home and recovering.

James: I wondered why I hadn't seen you at the hospital for a while. How are you?

Me: Doing better, thanks.

James: Good.

He was typing for a minute, then the icon disappeared. A few seconds later, another text appeared.

James: So...weird question. You can tell me to fuck off if I'm in the wrong but...would you wanna get a drink together at some point?

James was asking me out? I stopped to think for a moment. He was a nice enough guy, but he didn't make me feel the way Lance did. Still, it might be a good chance to get over Lance...

Me: I'm pretty busy, but I'll check my schedule.

James: Cool. By the way, what are you doing up so late?

Me: I should ask you the same question.

James: Work stuff.

Me: Ooh, mysterious.

He sent me a photo of a dark overpass, where a dog was huddled beside a cardboard box.

James: I work for an animal rescue centre. Just got a callout that this little guy was here.

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