Chapter 29

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It had been three days since Keith stayed over, and I was still convinced it was all just a dream. A wonderful, amazing dream. We texted as often as we could with our busy schedules, and Keith had even started being nicer to me, which was unexpected.

Another unexpected thing happened at work. Allura called me in to her office, and had me sit opposite her at her desk. She seemed to be stressed.

"Thank you." She said when I sat down, leaning back in her office chair.

"Am I in trouble?" I ventured, shifting uncomfortably. "Because it was Hunk-"

"This isn't work-related." She sighed. "It' do with Keith."

I straightened up.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Well, more to do with his upcoming race." She pushed a lock of curly hair behind her ear. "In one week, Keith will be facing The Wanderer. While Keith is certainly skilled – he was trained by the best – The Wanderer is known for driving racers out of racing rings. They always win, and nobody knows how. The fact that they are so anonymous makes them even more threatening."

"I don't understand what that has to do with me."

"Stop him from racing." Allura said firmly. "I brought you to the canal that night because I had a feeling you would be able to protect him from people like The Wanderer. You're the last person I wanted to drag into this, but you're Keith's only hope."

"I think you overestimate me." I breathed. "Keith is headstrong, and stubborn...he'll never listen to me."

"Lance, he already has." When I didn't reply, she shook her head. "The night of Shiro's accident, you stopped Keith from killing Prodigy. Last month, he was the calmest I've ever seen him. You're a great influence on him, Lance. He really listens to you."

"Doesn't feel like it sometimes." I grumbled, but I knew she was telling the truth. Keith shook off everyone else as if they were nothing, but when I'd told him to stop hitting Prodigy, he'd done so without question. I knew it probably came down to him liking me, but even so.

"Please, at least try." She begged.

"I'll try." I sighed. "He's not going to want to back down from a challenge, but I'll try."

Allura smiled. "Thank you, Lance." She sat up straight in her chair. "And thank you for that little get-together. I enjoyed myself quite thoroughly. I hope you didn't feel too irritated by Pidge. I was quite surprised when you stormed out and Keith told us all to leave."

"Yeah, he made sure I was okay."

"So, he didn't leave with the rest of us?"

"No." I replied. "He stayed over."

I instantly regretted admitting it. Allura's eyes lit up, and a playful expression taunted me.

"Don't say anything." I groaned. "I've had enough of that from Pidge."

"I won't say another word." She laughed, shaking her head.

Later on, after work had finished up, I headed back to my apartment, glad to have my car thanks to the storm that had blown in during the day. Merely moments after I'd sat down, I heard banging on my door. I opened it to see a red-faced Keith, soaking wet from the sudden downpour.


After Shiro and I closed up the studio, we headed up to the apartment, when I spread myself out on the couch with Cosmo curled up beside me.

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें