Part 6

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"Adam is staying over tonight." Shiro said to me while we were cleaning up the back room of the studio. Adam was vacuuming the front, so he couldn't hear us.

"You want me to give you two some alone time?" I teased. "I'm sure I can find something to do."

"You don't have to-" Shiro began, but I crossed my arms firmly.

"No, this is the first guy you've brought home in four years. I am not going to ruin your chances with him by getting my little brother smell all over the place."


"Shiro, you and Adam have been flirting for nearly a year. Get that good dick."

Shiro paused, cocking his eyebrow.

"When did you become an actual grown up." He laughed. "Fuck me, I remember when you were just a 17-year-old brat with anger issues and too much baggage."

"I'll have you know I still have anger issues and too much baggage. I simply know how to hide them."

Shiro smiled affectionately, ruffling my long hair. "Thanks bro."

I punched his hand away. "No problem, Onii-chan."

"I told you not to call me that!" Shiro whined. Before he could say anything else, the vacuum shut off and Adam popped his head into the back room.

"I'm just about done out here." He said cheerfully.

"Great." Shiro replied, then turned to me. "We'll head upstairs. Lock up when you're finished."


They vanished into the stairwell. I waited for their footsteps to fade away, putting away the last few ink bottles, then grabbed my jacket and helmet from the office, and headed out the back, making sure to lock the door behind me. When I got outside, I remembered my bike was still being repaired. I cursed under my breath, pulling my phone out and texting Shiro.

Me: Hey, let me borrow your bike.

He replied instantly.

Shiro: Fuck no.

I angrily texted him a bunch of emojis and the word 'asshole', then put my helmet back in the studio, and decided to walk to the nearest liquor store. A few minutes passed, and my phone went off in my pocket. It was a text from Lance – a question mark in response to the message above. I groaned when I realised I'd sent the text to the wrong person – and the cute mechanic of all people! I couldn't get him out of my mind...maybe that why I subconsciously sent the text to him instead of Shiro.

Me: Sorry, that was meant for someone else.

I replied. Every second that passed, I worried that Lance was judging me. Finally, he sent a reply.

Lance: u r cute, lets get coffee

I felt my face go bright red, stopping dead in the street. Was he actually asking me out? Was it a prank? He had to be high. There was no way in hell he would just say something like that out of the blue...was there?

I quickly typed a reply, realising I'd left him hanging without an answer. My inner child came out, and the message came across a lot more hostile than I intended.

Me: What the fuck? Are you high?

He immediately replied.

Lance: No! Fuck. My drunk friend took my phone.

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant