Chapter 23

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A week or so after Race Night, I was sat in the office with Pidge, waiting for her to finish filing her paperwork so we could go out. Allura had gone out of town for a few days with Coran – something family related, since they were distant cousins or something – leaving Pidge in charge of the garage. So, obviously, we'd planned a night out for the three of us that were still here.

"Hurry up..." I whined, jogging my knee up and down in irritation.

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye; if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under by now.

"All done cleaning." Hunk said, appearing from the back, wiping his hands on a rag. "Are we nearly ready to go?"

"Hunk, please remove Lance from the office." Pidge hissed. "He is hindering the speed at which I finish this paperwork."

"As you command, mistress." Hunk teased, bowing and grabbing me by the arm, dragging me into the client waiting area. I peered through the glass at Pidge; she flipped me off and carried on with the paperwork.

"We're going to miss free entry." I whined.

"She's got a lot on her plate, Lance." Hunk condescended. "Cut her some slack."

"Ugh..."I groaned, throwing myself onto one of the arm chairs and pulling out my phone. Keith hadn't been texting me as much since I stayed over, and today was no exception. He wasn't ignoring me again, but I definitely felt a shift in his personality after that night. I still hadn't gotten to the bottom of what happened between us, or what he was hiding.

"Alright, I'm done." Pidge said eventually, appearing at the door to the office. She still looked pissed at me, so I didn't say a word. I drove them to my apartment, where we all got changed, and then called a cab to take us to the local bar. Luckily, we made it there in time for free entry, and got in without any issues.

Inside the bar, Pidge and Hunk immediately ordered a round of drinks. I held off, knowing how easily I got drunk, and instead had a soft drink. I felt like a loser being sober, especially when I was known as the life of the party, but after forgetting something evidently important happening with Keith, I knew I had to change my ways.

At some point, Pidge and Hunk disappeared to the dance floor. I stayed back at the table, sipping my soda and looking around at all the drunk people. They looked like they were all having a great time, unlike me, stuck back at the table with no friends and no alcohol.

"Can I buy you a drink?" A familiar voice said from beside me. I recognised the arrogance in his voice before I saw him – The Prodigy.

"You." I grumbled.

"Me." He sang, leaning against the table. Every action he made was smooth, and well-thought-out. He was like a cat in the way that he moved, and his sultry voice reminded me of a succubus. "So? Can I buy you a drink, Blue Boy?"

"Don't call me that." I hissed. "And no, you can't buy me a drink. I'm sober tonight."

"What a coincidence. I happen to be sober tonight, too." He sat backwards on the high bench, leaning his elbows back onto the table. His silky hair was flashing different colours in the lights from the dancefloor.

"Oh, is that so?" I taunted. "Dude, I don't even know your real name, and I can't have a conversation with someone I only know as 'The Prodigy'."

"Lotor." He said calmly, leaning his face close to mine. His deep blue eyes were calculating and predatory. "My name is Lotor."

"Good for you." I huffed, returning to my drink.

"What is your name?" He asked, angling my face towards him with his long, smooth fingers. I batted him away, shuffling in my seat.

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