Chapter 26

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"So," Veronica said, putting the menu flat on the table. We'd finally arranged to go out for lunch after months of putting it off. "What have you been up to lately?"

"Not much." I replied, pouring a glass of water. "Work, friends, work..."

"A lot of work!" She laughed, resting her chin on her hand. "I can't believe my baby brother is all grown up."

"How's work been for you?" I asked. "Last time we caught up you said you were struggling to balance work and dating."

"Same old." She sighed. "Actually, while we're on the subject of work, I've been meaning to ask something. Did you find out anything more about Race Night?"

I almost choked on my water.

"What? Why would you ask that? I don't know anything about Race Night or Shadow. Nope."

She cocked her eyebrow. "Who is Shadow?"

"Nobody! Nope." I gripped my knees under the table. I was fine at lying over the phone, but face to face? She had to be suspicious – judging by her intrigued expression and narrowed eyes, I was certain she was on to me.

"Lance," She warned. "I told you not to lie about this, Lindo."

"Ugh..." I groaned. "I'm sorry, Vee. My friends told me I'm not allowed to talk about it. I promised."

She frowned. I hated keeping things from my family – especially Veronica, who I saw the most because she lived so close. I wished I could tell her, but...keeping my word to Keith felt more important than my family right now. It reminded me just how serious my feelings were. I'd never put anyone above my family before.

"I managed to talk to Acxa." Veronica murmured, lowering her voice and leaning forward on the table. "She was still pretty drugged up from painkillers-"

"How is she?" I interrupted, trying to change the subject away from Race Night.

"She's doing better, but that's not important right now." Veronica reached over and grabbed my hand. "She told me about Race Night, about the underground society, about everything. She also told me about White Shadow, and Leo, some of the other racers she knows."

" know, then." I mumbled. "Damn, everyone else is telling the secret except me and Keith."

"Keith?" She asked. "Is he a racer too? Wait, first of all – how do you know about this illegal underground racing society?"

"Erm..." I tapped the table with my fingers. "I was sort of...dragged into it – but it's fine! I don't even race, I'm just there to stop my friend from being an idiot."

"Your friend Keith? You never mentioned him before."

"I met him for the first time that night."

"That night?" She echoed. "Oh, the night Axca and Takashi were injured. I suppose his injury was related to racing, too?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"Well, Lance. You've really gotten yourself in deep." Her tone was firm, but she squeezed my hand. "Deep into some of the coolest shit I've ever heard of. Dios mío, you should have told me, bro."

"I'm...kind of in shock right now. Did you just praise me for being part of criminal activity?"

"Well, you're not racing." She explained. "So I don't mind. Hang out with criminals, just make sure you're safe."

"Okay..." I breathed.

"Now," She grinned. "Tell me more about this Keith. What is he like? What do you like about him? Is he cute?"

"How did you...?" I mumbled exasperatedly, the remembered that Veronica was one of the most observant people I knew. She'd probably realised I liked Keith before I even realised.

"He's really cute." I mumbled, blushing. "He's cute and gay and his hair is kind of dorky but I love it and he's got nice abs and he's a cool biker..."

Veronica smiled warmly. "You'll have to introduce me one day. You know you're not allowed to date anyone until I give them my seal of approval."

"How did you even know I like guys?! I only just realised."

"It was obvious." She laughed. "I mean, you used to do face masks with me and Mom all the time, not to mention how you once told us you were going to marry your teacher, Mr McNamara."

"Nope. Don't remember. Didn't happen." I argued.

"Don't worry." She whispered. "It runs in the family."

"What? What does?"

"Being bisexual." She laughed. "You're not the only one, you know. Everyone is shocked you didn't come out sooner, to be honest."

"I still haven't 'come out', though. Actually saying it out loud is a lot harder than saying it in my head."

"Well, say it now." Veronica said, fiddling with her phone. "To me. You'll never be able to tell his guy you like him if you can't even say you're bi."

"Erm..." I rubbed the back of my head. "This is so weird. Why do I have to do this?"

"Because our society treats heterosexuality as the default, so anyone who doesn't fit that description has to either live their life in silence, or proclaim their sexuality to the world." Veronica grumbled. "Coming out as bi is even worse. People think we're just confused or greedy. It's awful."

"Okay." I breathed. I could do this. It was just Veronica. I already knew she loved me no matter what. Plus, she already knew. All I had to do was say it out loud. "I am bisexual."

"Congratulations, Lance. You've officially graduated from the closet." Veronica said, waving over the waiter. "Two glasses of champagne. We're celebrating."

"Vee, that's not necessary..."

"Nonsense! We have to celebrate!"

And we did. After champagne, we moved on to cocktails – at 2 in the afternoon – and somehow both managed to get home safe, while both at least a little tipsy. I sent Veronica a quick text when I sat back on my couch.

Me: Home. Thanks for today V

Veronica: No probs little bro. Now you've just gotta tell the family hehe

Me: Shhhh not yet

I laughed – admittedly feeling a little drunk from our impromptu mid-afternoon drinking session – and scrolled through my phone to see if I had any messages. As if by magic, one came in from Keith.

Keith: Hey, do you want to do something this weekend? Shiro is having Adam over and I really don't want to be in the apartment lol

Me: Sure! Wanna stay at my place for the night? We can order pizza and watch movies

Keith: Sounds like a plan.

He sent another text before I could reply.

Keith: I'll try to remember your shirt haha

I laughed, glancing over my shoulder at Keith's folded shirt on the counter. Part of me almost wanted to keep it, so I had an excuse to keep meeting up with Keith outside of Race Night. Sure, we were friends now, but I wanted to see him all the time. I felt like...the more we were together, the sooner I could tell him about my feelings, but every time it came to confessing, I just froze up.

I hope your plan works, Veronica. I thought, resting my head on the arm of the couch. She was right; I couldn't tell Keith about my feelings because I still hadn't been open about my sexuality. Maybe now I'd be able to tell him.

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now