Chapter 11

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The world blurred around me as I raced towards where Shiro laid motionless on the ground, his arm bent into an awkward position. His bike was still on top of him, and I could see blood staining the dry ground from a few meters away. There were voices around me, and people near me, but they felt so far away. All I could see was Shiro.

I crouched in front of him. Aside from his damaged arm, his left shoulder and abdomen were fucked up from being scraped across the floor, and though his helmet was still on his head, it was cracked. All I wanted was to stop the pain, to make it better, and I felt fucking useless because all I could do was stare at him. All I felt was guilt, because there were no other feelings inside me to banish it – no sadness, no fear, nothing but wracking guilt that it was my fault-

"Keith." Lance said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Zethrid is going to drive him to the hospital."

"It's my fault." I mumbled, barely audible.

"What? Keith, what are you saying?"

"I said it's my fault." I said, a little louder. Lance flinched. "I told him he could get away without wearing his Kevlar...I told him he never has accidents..."

"Keith." Lance said firmly. "Stop blaming yourself. If it's anyone's fault, it's that Prodigy guy."

Lance was right. Rather than wallowing, I should be fucking up the person who ran over Shiro's arm.

I stumbled to my feet, casting one glance back at Shiro, who was being picked up and put into Zethrid's car. I wouldn't be any help to him now. No, now I had to find fucking Prodigy.


Keith stormed away from Shiro, leaving Zethrid and Ezor to try to move him. I shot them a sympathetic look, then followed Keith, who was making a beeline for where The Prodigy and his posse stood. Allura was a little off to the side, watching us carefully.

"Prodigy, you son of a bitch!" Keith growled, launching himself into the crowd of people. I barely managed to catch his arm before they dived on him in retaliation. He turned back to me and growled, "Hey!"

"Don't be fucking stupid!" I shouted back. "There's six of them and one of you!"

"I don't care, let me go!" He fought against my arm, but I was significantly stronger than him. With one tug, I managed to pull him towards me, seizing both of his shoulders firmly. He wriggled for a moment, then surrendered.

"You're being an idiot, Leo." I said in a low voice. The last thing I wanted was for those fucking assholes to think Keith was weak.

"Let go." He mumbled dejectedly. He seemed a few moments away from giving up.

"I won't let go." I snapped. "I'm here now, and you're supposed to be initiating me or whatever. You can't do that from the hospital."

"I'll be fine-"

"No, you won't – and I think you know that too, which is why you're trying to throw yourself into a crowd of angry people." I paused, crouching down a little so that our eyes met; I'd almost forgotten how mesmerising his eyes were, and it took me aback a little. "You being in the hospital too isn't going to do anything to help Shi- White Stripe."

He was silent for a moment, then nodded. I released his arms, and he didn't try anything.

"Alright, let's..."

"Leo, I hope you don't think this horrible tragedy was my doing." Prodigy taunted, coming to the front of his group. He gestured for them to stand down, and they moved back. "It was an accident, plain and simple. Though, if you want to blame someone, I'd blame Stripe himself for trying to make such a sharp turn at such a high speed-"

The arrogant man was interrupted with a fist to the face.


I couldn't help myself. When that asshole tried to blame Shiro, I went straight for him – and Lance didn't try to stop me this time. I managed to get him on the floor and pounded my fists in his face, all the while pinning him to the ground. Each punch filled me with adrenaline, didn't ease the guilt. It didn't stop me from feeling numb. All it did was bloody my gloves and make Prodigy's gang antsy. Finally, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"That's enough." Lance said firmly.

I rocked back onto my heels and stood up. My knees buckled a little; Lance steadied me with an arm on my back.

"Are you satisfied, Leo?" Prodigy laughed, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Fuck you, Prodigy." I spat back. "Blue, let's go."

Lance nodded, following me back to my bike. We stood in silence for a minute, both casting sideways glances at the stained concrete, and each other. Lance finally broke the silence.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" He asked quietly.

"No." I replied instantly. Lance was right; Shiro didn't need me there. He wouldn't want me wallowing, he'd want me to look after myself. "No." I repeated.

"Okay." Lance replied. "Do you want to be alone?"

I hesitated a moment.


I ran my fingers over the gleaming surface of my helmet, seeing the cracks that had been covering Shiro's.

"Do you want to come back to my apartment for a while?" Lance said finally. His breathing seemed shallow, and his face was red beneath the mask. It was a cold night; I didn't blame him.

Did I want to go back to his apartment? I didn't want to be alone, and I wanted nothing more than to spend time with Lance, but not like this. Still, I had nobody else to turn to – and Lance knew what was happening. I'd have to explain it to someone else. Lance was my best option. I just had to keep telling myself that he was just being kind. Someone like him couldn't like someone like me.

"Yes." I said eventually, grabbing my spare helmet from under the seat. It was blue, just like Lance's Race name. I passed it to him, and pulled on my own.

"O-okay." He stammered, putting it on. I climbed onto my bike, and he followed, tentatively holding my shoulders.

"You're gonna want to hold on a bit tighter than that." I laughed, revving the engine as a warning. His hands instantly jumped to my waist, gripping me firmly. I subdued the lust that raged inside me – for the time being. "So, where to?"

two bros, riding on a motorcycle, 0 feet apart cause they're totally gay

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