Part 5

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I closed the door to my apartment after another long day of working on Keith's bike. Pidge was still giving me sass about my pathetic reaction to him the day before, but I didn't let it distract me. I knew I'd need a miracle to pull the repairs off by Friday – or maybe just an all-nighter at the garage. Hunk might stay late with me if I bribe him with food...

My phone buzzed twice in my pocket. I leant back against the door and peered at the screen; one text from Keith, one from Pidge. I rolled my eyes and opened the message from Pidge first.

Pidge: Hey loverboy, Me and Hunk are on our way over.

I quickly shot a text back.

Me: Why? What do you want from me this time?

She immediately replied,

Pidge: We have beer.

I hesitated a moment, then begrudgingly replied,

Me: You better have enough for all of us.

I exited out of the message and looked at the one from Keith. I expected it to be a message asking for an update on his bike, but it was a random combination of emojis followed by the word 'asshole'. I sent him a question mark, then tossed my phone onto the couch and changed into sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I saw these jerks every day, so I didn't care how I looked.

When I came back out of my room, I heard an obnoxious banging on my front door. Before I had a chance to open it myself, Pidge, Hunk and Matt – Pidge's older brother – barged inside. I'd clearly left it unlocked when I came back.

"What's up, loser?" Pidge bellowed at me, prodding my chest with her finger. She stank of beer. "You mad cause you forgot to lock the door?"

"I swear to God, if you throw up in my apartment, I will delete you from this existence."

Pidge chucked, throwing herself on the couch. Hunk followed suit, nodding at me sympathetically while Matt put the beers in the refrigerator.

"Matt, long time no see." I slapped him on the back. "How's that sex robot coming along?"

"It's not a sex robot." He whined. "It's a highly advanced AI vessel which could change the face of human loneliness as we know it."

I paused for a moment.

"Still sounds like a sex robot."

Matt sighed. "Pidge, why did you invite me again? Your friends are so...normal."

"Not my friends." Pidge replied, fiddling with her phone. No, my phone. "Colleagues. Lance, you have a text from the cute tattooed guy you have a crush on."

"Wait, Lance has a crush on a guy?" Hunk butted in, looking at the text too.

"Give me my phone!" I whined, scampering to wrestle it out of her hands. Before I managed to get it away from her, she sent a reply to the message. "Fuck you, Pidge. What did you send?"

She didn't reply, smirking while I read the message history.

Me: ?

Keith: Sorry, that was meant for someone else.

Me: u r cute, lets get coffee

"What the fuck Pidge!?" I cried, slouching forward over the back of the couch. My life was over. Done. I couldn't go back to work. If I ever saw that dude again...

"No need to thank me." She teased.

"I'm fucked." I said softly. "I am completely fucked. Keith will never want to come near me again."

"Wait, a tattooed guy named Keith?" Matt interrupted, sitting on one of the dining chairs. "Do you mean Keith Kogane?"

My head shot up. "You know him?!"

"Yeah, my friend Shiro is his boss. I think they rent an apartment together, actually."

Before I had a chance to say anything else, my phone buzzed. It was from Keith.

Keith: What the fuck? Are you high?

Me: No! Fuck. My drunk friend took my phone.

Keith: Sure.

Me: As if I'd ask someone out over text. So pathetic.

Keith: Wow, someone's rude. How's my bike coming?

Pidge tapped my shoulder mid-text. "What's he saying?"

"Piss off and drink some more beer." I snapped.

"You need a drink." Hunk laughed, handing me an open bottle. I begrudgingly took it and guzzled half of it in one go, then the rest in quick succession. A poor choice on my part. I'd never been very good at drinking, and today was no different. I felt it hit me in a matter of minutes, suddenly filled with false confidence. I returned to my text, and sent it without hesitation.

Me: You're lucky I'm a damn God with bikes or you'd be fucked. Nice lion vinyl by the way.

Keith: It's one of Shiro's designs.

Me: Do you know someone called Matt Holt?

Keith: Robotics genius? Yeah, he sometimes hangs out with my boss. Look, I'm kinda busy.

Me: Sure, okay. I'll update you tomorrow.

I buried my phone in my pants pocket and sighed, grabbing another beer from the refrigerator. Pidge was basically out of it already, curled up with her head on Hunk's shoulder and her legs sprawled across his lap. Ever since I'd gotten the job at Castle, she'd been really clingy and protective when it came to Hunk. Not that we got drunk together very often, but when we did, she was even worse.

"Huuuunk..." She whined, clinging to his neck. "I wanna go hooome."

Matt turned to me sympathetically. "I should probably take her home. Sorry to leave so early, but she's been drinking since she clocked out."

"No worries, man." I laughed.

After seeing them out, I laid back the couch, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I stared at Keith's name for a long time, trying to talk myself out of sending him another text. My brain said 'no', but the alcohol was screaming 'yes, yes, yes'...

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