Chapter 13

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FYI I changed it from his left to his right arm bc canon mmkay enjoy the show

I woke with a start at the sound of a text coming in on my phone. For a moment I forgot where I was, then remembered I was curled up on Lance's couch. I must have fallen asleep amidst the harrowing thoughts of Shiro that plagued me. I shivered a little; all I had to throw over myself was my jacket, since Lance had passed out without giving me a blanket.

I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone. I didn't usually bring it out to race night, but for some reason I'd felt like I might need it. It was a text from Ezor.

E: Where are you?! You need to come to the hospital ASAP.

My gut twisted; something must be wrong for her to text me so urgently. I quickly shot her a text back.

Me: On my way.

I shrugged my coat on and looked in at Lance, who was still face down on his bed. I debated waking him up, but I didn't want to bother him. He'd already let me stay at his apartment, so I didn't want to ask him to come with me and be any more of a burden on him.

I grabbed my helmet from the coffee table and hurried out of the apartment, jumping on the back of my bike and racing towards the hospital.

Since it was so late, the roads were dead quiet, so I made it there quickly. Ezor waited for me outside, smoking a cigarette with Zethrid. I parked and hurried over to them.

"Leo!" Ezor shouted, extinguishing the butt of her cigarette. "You made it."

"We're not at the race now, you can call me Keith." I grumbled, fidgeting. "How is he?"

"Where were you?" Zethrid interrupted, ignoring my question. "If you're so concerned for Shiro, why weren't you here?"

"I needed some time, okay!" I snapped, barging past them into the ER waiting room. It was packed, but I couldn't see Shiro – or Shadow – anywhere.

"Keith?" A voice said from one side. I turned to see Allura – or, as I had discovered, Princess – stood between two vending machines, fiddling with a snack wrapper.

"Allura." I breathed, hurrying over to her. "Where's Shiro? Did he have to wait long? Is he going to be okay?"

"They took him in straight away." She mumbled. "He woke up about half an hour ago, asking for you."

"That explains why Ezor texted me." I rubbed my temples. "Where is he? Can I see him?"

She silently pointed down the hall to her right. "Room 16a. They gave him a private room."

I nodded in thanks and started down the hall, slowing when I reached the door she'd indicated. Through the frosted glass, the room was dim. I reached for the handle, and found my hand shaking. Was I scared? Not of Shiro...nor of what horrific injuries I might see beyond that door. No, I was scared that the person beyond that door was someone I didn't recognise – or someone who didn't recognise me. I was scared of the disappointment my only family would feel towards me.

"Keith?" A familiar voice said. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. "Is that you?"

I whirled around, ready to snap at whoever it was, then saw James, the kid I'd tattooed earlier that day. He was wearing scrubs and had his sweepy hair pinned back.

"James." I breathed. "Do you work here?"

He looked confused, then looked at himself and breathed a forced laugh. "Oh, no. I'm here to see my kid cousin."

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now