Chapter 31

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"Fuck." I muttered, pulling my jacket on quickly. Rain still thundered down outside, and Keith was no doubt going to hop on his motorcycle and run away like he always did. I slammed the apartment door behind me and ran down the stairs, almost slipping on a puddle on the ground floor. As I pushed open the glass doors, Keith sped away, his tyres screeching against the saturated tarmac.

"Fuck." I hissed again, running over to my parked car. I was practically soaked through by the time I pulled the door shut, and started the engine. "Where are you going, Keith?" I asked myself, pulling out of the parking lot and heading in the direction Keith had swerved.

The roads were quiet considering the time, and through the downpour I could barely see anything. I cursed myself for bringing up Shiro again. I could have just carried on, but I had to open my big mouth and upset Keith. Now he was riding about God knows where, in the middle of a storm, on a fucking bike – and it was my fault.

"Fuck!" I shouted, slamming my hands against the steering wheel when I hit a red light. He could be anywhere! I had no idea where to even start looking for him. I knew he wouldn't go back to his apartment since he was fighting with Shiro, but other than that, I really had no idea.

I ended up driving around for a while, eventually stopping at a gas station to ask if anyone had seen him. I was surprised to see Griffin stood outside smoking.

"Lance." He said pertly. "What brings you here?"

"Looking for Keith." I grunted, leaning up against the wall beside him. I remembered that he'd tried to come on to Keith, and felt a bit uneasy. "Have you seen him?"

"Not since he did my tattoo." He sighed. "Why are you looking for him."

"Long story." I snapped. "If you see him, tell him to call me. It's too dangerous for him to be out on his bike in this weather."

"Right." Griffin nodded. "I'll tell him."

I nodded in reply, running back to my car and heading off. I had to find him soon, or he might end up getting hurt.


I pulled up outside a dive bar on the east side of town. I knew Lance would be following me, but he'd never expect me to go somewhere like this. I'd never even been somewhere like this. It was fool-proof.

That was, until I walked inside.

An enormous tattooed man stood behind the bar, wiping down glasses with a rag. He eyeballed me up and down, then slammed a glass down on the counter when I approached.

"You're wet." He said bluntly, crossing his arms.

"Yeah." I replied, flicking water from my arms. Lance's clothes were soaked through.

The bartender was still eyeing me, the tribal tattoos of his face glaring at me.

"Ulaz!" He shouted eventually. "Get some towels for this kid. He's fucking soaked."

"Sure, boss." Someone replied from the back. A few minutes later, another guy appeared with a pile of fluffy towels. He tossed one over me and piled the rest up on the counter.

"Thanks." I muttered, shrugging off my jacket and wrapping the towel around me. I looked around the bar; it was pretty quiet.

"So," The bartender said, filling a glass with whiskey. "What brings you here, Leo?"

My eyes shot to his. He cocked an eyebrow and smiled.

"You think I wouldn't recognise old White Stripe's prodigy?" He slid the glass towards me. "You're a damn legend, kid – especially after The Wanderer challenged you."

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now