Vol 6 Part 11

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(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius went directly to his room, closing the door behind him. Then he collapsed to his knees on the hard floor.

Some said that Aloysius was just like his father in temperament and methodology. He'd disagreed until today. He was his father's son. He was cruel. Manipulative. Deceptive. Violent. Stabbing that... girl in the back to save his own life was something that Malcom would have done.

The only difference was that his father would not dwell on it afterward. He would never doubt his actions. He would celebrate them like he celebrated his daughter's newfound magic after it turned his ally into a pile of charred meat.

Aloysius wasn't sure how long he knelt there in the darkness. But after a time, he knew he was no longer alone.

Renata had entered his chambers. He didn't see her yet, but he felt her presence and smelled the light floral fragrance she always wore.

Renata: Brother? You've returned.

He didn't reply. His mouth was dry, parched. He wasn't even sure if he could move.

Renata came to his side and gently touched his shoulder.

Renata: Aloysius!

She knelt down next to him and brushed the hair back from his cheek.

Renata: Your face. You're hurt!

Aloysius: It's nothing.

Renata: Where have you been?

Aloysius: On a trip to the northwestern continent.

Renata: You look... Oh Aloysius.

Concern coated her words. She didn't know what he'd done. What he'd been instructed to do. 

Such a simple task. Aloysius had no doubt that his father never would have given it to him if he hadn't been positive his son would succeed.

But he'd failed.

Renata got up and returned a few moments later with a glass of water and a wet cloth.

Renata: Drink this.

He drank. But the water only worked to wash away his numbness, making his pain more acute. Renata cleaned his wound gently with the cloth.

Renata: What left the slice?

He didn't answer. Renata wouldn't understand what he'd done.

Renata: Tell me.

The steely edge to her tone earned her a direct look from him.

Renata: That's right. You need to tell me what happened. Right now.

Aloysius: Will you make it all better?

Renata: I might.

He drew in a ragged breath, her expression grew more grave. She stroked his hair back from his face.

Renata: Aloysius, please. What can I do?

Aloysius: Nothing.

Renata: Why did you go?

Aloysius: Father sent me there to bring something back for him. I failed. And... bad things happened. He's going to be quite angry with me.

He looked down at the floor, looked at his hands. He'd left the sword downstairs. He hadn't bothered to wipe the girl's blood off it.

Renata: What bad things happened?

Aloysius: The soldiers who accompanied me were killed.

Renata: They were killed? But... But you got away. You were hurt, but you got away.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now