Vol 1 Part 4

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(Your POV)

You dove down and entered the water, its surface broken as you entered the watery depths. The cool water rushed around you and it was refreshing from the hot summer day that it had been.

Swimming up you broke the surface looking around. Tim was at the edge of the lake looking at the rocks that descended into the water.

(Y/N): That rock nerd.

Looking down you couldn't see the bottom of the underground pool and so you sucked in a breath. Holding it, you descended into the water trying to find the bottom of the pool centering the cave. Swimming down further and further, you still couldn't find a bottom. 

Ignoring your depleting oxygen you tried to keep swimming to no avail. Abandoning your quest to find the bottom you swam back up to the top.

Looking around you saw that Tim had gotten out of the water and had abandoned rocks to look at the crystals. The multi-colored crystals' beauty were apparent as the light bounced around the cave giving a mystical feel to the cave. 

Magic seemed to be present in the air with the rocks and the crystals bordering the clear water. Ready to climb out of the water you grabbed onto one of the rocks bordering the outskirts of the water.

Suddenly something flashed before your eyes and you saw the cave trembling with a low noise coming around. Rocks tumbled from areas above into the water and broke the crystals that they fell on. 

Grabbing your head with your hands you fell back into the water sinking down as you couldn't handle the pain. Lashing out violently you hit your head on the rocks and suddenly the pain was gone. Realizing you were underwater you swam back up quickly to the surface.

(Y/N): Tim what happened?

Tim turned back to you with a questioning look.

Tim: What are you talking about? Nothing happened?

You looked around the cave to see that nothing had changed. The water remained calm besides you keeping afloat. No rocks have tumbled down, no crystals were broken and certainly no loud noises were being made.

Suddenly though you felt the rumbling you knew happened earlier. You look to the origin and saw that one of the golden crystals had risen from its resting place, nested in the rocks. The cave shook from this, now unstable from the shifting rocks that had remained dormant for a long time. To you it almost felt like an earthquake that made everything tremble in its wake.

Now alert you climbed out of the water onto the rocks and grabbed your shirt and the torch running towards the entrance.

(Y/N): Come on Tim we've got no time!

Tim was struggling with the sight in front of him as a monster started to rise out of the rocks revealing itself to be some sort of giant scorpion. With huge white skin that seemed to cover a black part underneath it , it seemed to be a huge foe. 

The giant barb at the end reminded you of the crystals that you had seen earlier and Tim had been touching earlier. Ten red eyes decorated the front meaning that you would have no place to hide. Scuttling towards Tim it reared back its head and then roared in his face sending Tim to the ground.

Running back towards Tim you jumped over a fallen rock trying to reach you friend.

(Y/N): Hey ugly!

Looking up the creature took a step towards you and away from Tim. At that point you threw the torch at the monster hoping to distract it. You didn't see where it hit, but the creature roared and reeled back in pain obviously hurt from the torch. 

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now