Vol 2 Part 3

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(Your POV)

Class was really long. You looked over to see Team RWBY, sitting there, all with different levels of involvement in the class. Weiss seems especially out of it today, which wasn't like her, as all she did was stare at a holographic clock on her desk.

You tuned out Port's long lecture, when you saw Jaune slide up next to Weiss and begin to talk to her. He was probably trying to ask her out again, which never seemed to go well for him.

Jaune: So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I... I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat?

Jaune turned to the teacher, Professor Port, for a second, then turned back around to face Weiss again.

Jaune: And, uh um, I... I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.

Jaune then paused, looking expectantly, but his words had no effect

Jaune: And maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.

Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gave a shrill beep as it changed from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismissed it with a wave of her hand. Port was temporarily unaware of the alarm, trying to continue on with his story, with wild gestures and towering movements.

He posed as a towering monster about to attack something.

Port: And then I... Oh.

He straightened his stance as the students started to leave.

Port: Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!

Jaune watched Weiss as she packed up her Scroll, and got up to leave.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear me?

Weiss continued to not face Jaune, as she walked out of class.

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

(Y/N): That was unnecessarily harsh.

Ajax: It seems like it.

(Y/N): Not that I don't miss these talks or anything... But why are you still in my head?

Ajax: I'm gathering information.

(Y/N): On who?

Ajax: On Salem's lackeys. Shh, I'm making psychological profiles for all of them.

Upon hearing this, Jaune groaned and did a face plant into his desk.

As the rest of Team RWBY walked out of class, following Weiss, Yang ruffled Jaune's hair without looking at him. You picked up your stuff and walked over to Jaune who still lied on the desk.

Yang: One day.

You walked up to Jaune, sat on the desk and looked at him.

(Y/N): You know, Edel wasn't wrong about what he said.

Jaune: Of course he was. Pyrrha is an amazing warrior and I'm just...

He sat up and gestured to himself.

Jaune: Me.

(Y/N): Okay, Jaune, you know I love you, no homo...

Jaune: What?

(Y/N): But aren't Pyrrha and Weiss both on celebrity status?

Jaune: I mean yeah, bu...

(Y/N): So you saying you're not good enough for Pyrrha means that you also shouldn't be good enough for Weiss, right?

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant