Vol 9 Teaser 1

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(Your POV)

Where were you?

You opened your eyes, looking around at the area around you.

It was dark. It wasn't quite black, but it seemed to be a dark blue color, mixed with some lighter spots in the distance. 

Spreading the darkness were small balls of light. They looked like mini suns, with dark orange glows around them.

The closest one to you was far away, and for some reason you felt at peace...

Why? You were falling to an untimely death. You survived your first death because of the Demonic, but this time you had none with you. Your magic was being stripped, and you had been cleansed of the Demonic.

So why did you feel at peace?

It didn't matter now. You reached out towards one of them, and a thin, flickering strand of golden energy stretched out, passing straight through it.

As it did so, smaller particles floated off of it, rising higher up as you slowly fell past it.

Come to think of it, why were you falling so slow? You had been falling faster just a little while ago, when you first fell, and now...

Everything had slowed...

You looked around, seeing no one in your vision. Where was everyone else? They had fallen before you, but it seemed that you slowed down. Was that just for you? Was that for everyone and they had fallen elsewhere?

Why were you asking so many questions? Why did these thoughts run through your head as you came closer and closer to, at least, some sort of end. You weren't quite sure what would actually happen, you just knew of the warning.

You sighed, as the magic disappeared, as you felt it slip away.

You turned your head down, looking for some kind of end, something at all. 

And there it was.

There was some kind of cloud, it was golden, maybe a dull yellow in color. It almost looked like a cloud of sand that was kicked up by the wind.

You floated closer to you, when you noticed that you started breathing heavier. Was it getting harder to breathe?

You focused on each individual breath you took. You noticed they got heavier, they came faster than the last. Was the air getting thinner? That didn't make sense. Maybe your mind had caught up with everything, and you were freaking out.

You finally hit the clouds, passing through them. Your vision went, and everything to lighter, in stark contrast to the darkness of the area that was around you. The light filled up your vision until you couldn't see anymore.


The sounds of waves.

That was the first thing you could hear. Your eyes were still closed, but you could hear the waves washing up on the shore, and you could feel it graze your foot.

You went to open your eyes, but felt something push against them, and instead you braced with your hands, pushing up.

You sputtered as you tasted sand for a moment, and you rubbed your eyes before opening them.

As you looked around you rubbed the rest of your face, getting rid of most of the sand, before running your hands through your hair and shaking the sand out of it.

That's when you noticed that you had gloves on. Why did you have gloves on?

You looked down at the rest of yourself, seeing that you were wearing your old outfit: The one you wore when you crewed with Neo so many years ago.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now