Vol 3 Part 10

793 13 4

(Your POV)

You continued your walk through the forest, away from the town. You had gone, looking for a blade, and returned with nothing...

But Beacon was under attack, and you were a continent away. You didn't know how you were going to get back, and even if you were.

Edel: Is that all you're here for?

(Y/N): Hmm?

Edel: You said Raven was helping you with power. You're only here for that?

(Y/N): Yeah...

Edel nodded, continuing on.

Edel: So we're heading to Raven to get back to Beacon?

(Y/N): Yeah, Beacon's under attack.

Edel: From Salem?

(Y/N): I don't know.

Edel: You're talking with Ruby again...

(Y/N): How did you know?

Edel: I know everything that I should.

The pair of you continued in silence until you reached the camp once again. The pair of you continued through, making your way into Raven's tent.

Suddenly a sword was at Edel's throat as he sighed.

Edel: Hello Raven.

Raven: Why are you here?

Edel: You're transporting (Y/N) here to Beacon.

Raven: Am I now?

With that Raven lowered her blade, turning to face you instead.

(Y/N): Beacon's being attacked. I have to help them.

Raven: And yet you chose to come with me.

(Y/N): I didn't know what would happen.

Raven: Take all the information in and make your choice.

(Y/N): Alright I'll return to Beacon.

Raven turned away, walking deeper into her tent.

Raven: You already made your choice.

(Y/N): No. Take me back.

You turned back to look at Edel but he wasn't there. The flaps of the tent billowed as he walked away.

Raven: Imagine going back to Beacon. Ruby will be in more danger.

(Y/N): This isn't just about Ruby.

Raven: Sure it's not.

You let a silence fall for a moment, before you jumped through the tent flap as a blade was thrown over your head.

You stumbled into the camp as everyone turned towards you, weapons drawn.

(Y/N): Great.

You cracked your neck, pulling out your pistols, and flicking the safety off.

The closest one rushed at you and aimed a kick low, but you smashed your foot into their ankle, causing them to lean forward. You quickly whipped them across the face with your pistol, before sweeping their legs out and shooting them in the chest.

You flipped underneath a knife that was thrown at you, before flipping once more under a larger blade. You however, left your foot up, kicking his arm backwards and when he swung at you once again you shot the blade, lifting his arm up as you kicked the back of his knee.

He quickly recovered, as you leapt into the air, kicking their arm to the side as you used your pistol to give you some momentum for you to kick him in the chest, sending him back into the nearby supplies.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now