Vol 8 Part 6

315 10 3

(3rd Person POV)

Two men walked forward, dressed simply.

He had short blonde hair, with a bit of facial hair, the same color. He had blue eyes, with a more tan skin tone, wearing a brown, open jacket over a black tank top. He had blue jeans and black shoes that were clearly worn down.

He walked forward, with his partner at his side, a taller man, well over 6 feet tall, who never talked. He wore black boots, jeans and an open black jacket that was over his red shirt. He had a pale complexion, and had short black hair.

The taller man was carrying a briefcase, the outside quite cold to the touch, but inside had several vials, kept in cushions that protected them.

They stepped through the streets, people making way for the two. They knew who they were, and who they worked for. The boss may have been nice, but the henchmen weren't always the same.

They eventually made their way to the door of the place, however it had already been closed in a hurry, as the man in front turned to the other.

Micah: Don't take action too quickly. On their turf, and I suspect he's not stupid.

With that the larger man nodded, and Micah turned, and pulled out a pistol, before knocking on the door with it a few times.

Micah: Open up!

The doors slowly opened and the two were met by many guards, who all aimed guns at the pair, who in return smirked.

Micah raised his pistol, before slotting it into its holster, his smirk dropping.

Micah: We've got some business with Torchwick.

Everyone paused for a moment, the guards tightening their grip on their weapons.

Junior: Let 'em in.

The guards put their weapons down as the two walked in, watched closely by the guards, and by the normal civilians at the club.

They were ushered into a back room, Micah's ally seeming to know the way, while Micah had never been. In the room, Junior was standing further back, doing something on his scroll.

Henchmen: Sit.

They forced Micah to sit on the couch, while the other one kept standing, holding the briefcase by his side.

Henchmen: Say what you want before we blow your heads off.

The two remained calm as Micah nodded, and the briefcase was put on the table. One of the henchmen reached for it, as Micah rested his feet on it, as he lounged back, a relaxed look on his face.

Micah: Torchwick requested some goods from the boss. Says he got them. We're only here to deliver.

Henchmen: Torchwick said he already paid up, said he wouldn't have the lien for it otherwise. Torchwick already paid, it's done.

Micah: New deal. You want the goods, you pay up full. Torchwick can pay more if he wa...

Suddenly something slammed on the far side of the room as Junior walked forward, taking a gun from a table and pushing it against Micah's chest, the latter who raised his hands up, in a surrender fashion.

Junior: I'm not paying for Torchwick. I'm going to take this package, and you're going to leave with your lives.

The two stared at each other as Junior pressed the fun further, Micah's back now pushing against the couch as his friend stood still, hand firmly grasping the baseball bat at his side.

Junior: You never did say who you worked for. Who is it?

Micah: (Y/N) (L/N), that's who.

The goons laughed as a flash of fear passed over Junior's face, but he hid it and turned away, laughing with them.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now