Vol 2 Part 15

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(Your POV)

You looked down at Ruby. It was her or Atlas. It wasn't a difficult choice.

(Y/N): Yeah... I am the Atlas Knight.

You heard nothing from Ruby for a few moments, and so you looked down at her again. She wasn't crying, or pleading that it wasn't true but instead...

She looked betrayed.

That was the part that killed you.

It was the look on her face, not that she was scared, or sad, but that she seemed betrayed by what you did. The revenge you took because it could further your goals.

Before you could say something though, you heard an explosion that rocked the cavern. A few rocks from the ceiling dislodged and you had to pull Ruby away from some of the falling debris.

When you pulled her away, she recoiled from your touch, which hurt, but you let her go all the same.

The Stalker: Your allies have met the White Fang.

Ruby: We have to help them.

The Stalker: Very well. Let us proceed.

With that he pointed towards a vent, and a grapple shot from his arm, towards it. His body was thrown into the vent, as he went through it, sliding the vent away from its spot.

The Stalker: Follow quickly now.

With that he disappeared in the vents, and Ruby followed him, speeding towards the vent, and away from you. You sighed and shot your grapple following the pair.

The Stalker seemed to be used to the vents. He whipped around corners faster than you could keep up with, and only Ruby kept you on the right track.

Eventually the group stopped, as the Stalker turned around. He waved his hands towards Ruby, as she looked around.

Ruby: What's going on?

In a moment The Stalker dropped down from the vents, onto a White Fang Member. He pummeled him into the ground and then slammed him against a wall.

With that he flipped the guy upside down, and slammed his head straight into the ground.

Suddenly Ruby dropped down, looking around.

Ruby: What happened?

You looked towards The Stalker, and were surprised to see the White Fang Member nicely slumped up against the wall.

The Stalker: You didn't like me killing them little rose, and so I didn't this time.

Ruby looked surprised, and you didn't like the way she was keeping closer to the Stalker than to you.

Ruby: Oh... thanks.

The Stalker: No problem little rose.

With that he moved on, turning around briefly.

The Stalker: Let's head out.

You and Ruby followed him, and came into a huge clearing.

You saw Roman Torchwick with several members of the White Fang, talking to him. Suddenly they all turned across the clearing and you saw some White Fang Members running around a corner, firing behind them.

(Y/N): Helmet on.

Your helmet slid on, and you zoomed in. Suddenly you saw the rest of Team RWBY and Professor Oobleck run around the corner. You looked at Roman, and saw that he didn't anticipate their involvement, meaning there would be no trap set.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now