Vol 5 Part 3

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(3rd Person POV)

Renata: We don't belong in this world... do we?

Renata sat on the hand of the Grimm, moving across the top of the mountain at night.

She thought back to all of the journeys they had, when it was them against the world. When she still knew little of her magic, when Aloysius had none.

When they fought together.

The Grimm lowered its hand as she got off of it, walking toward the flower. It was simple, a rose, with two flowers. Fitting...

Renata: One day this journey will reach its end.

She flicked a spark onto the rose, and as she walked past it one of the roses burned to ash, the other standing tall, untouched by the destructive force.

Renata continued on, the Grimm following behind her.

Renata: But until the darkness has engulfed the kingdoms, our war with destiny will see no end.

Soldier: Your Highness...

Renata turned, to see the soldier kneel before her, his eyes blank, glazed over as he looked down.

Soldier: Our plan to weaponize the Fire Reincarnate has been impeded.

Renata: By Ozma? He rises again for his sake?

Soldier: No, not the immortal... We were well prepared for his interference. A man has interfered... One that wants to defy fate and possesses magic.

Renata gasped.

Soldier: Regrettably, Your Highness, the issue is... your brother.

How was he back? He should be dead. She felt him die, she felt his heart stop.

Ghira, wearing glasses, paced back and forth looking at a piece of paper in hands, while his wife Kali, his daughter Blake, and Sun all waited for him to be ready.

Ghira then stopped pacing and took one last look at the speech he had written down, before sighing as his wife placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Kali: Are you ready?

Ghira: Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing.

Blake then came up and placed a hand on her father's arm, giving an affectionate snuggle. Suddenly, the three were taken by surprise when another hand patted on Ghira's back. He looked behind to see Sun.

Sun: You got this.

The three gave a brief look at Sun as he stood back and smiled. Ghira then opened the doors as his family and Sun stepped out of the home to greet the crowd gathering outside.

Some people in the crowd were wearing press badges and holding scrolls up to record the event. Others in attendance included Corsac and Fennec Albain, who were bowing their heads, as well as Saber and other Menagerie Guards.

Ghira stepped up to the podium and raised his hand to quiet the crowd down.

Ghira: Thank you all for assembling here. I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth. No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunus-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus...

He glared at the Albains.

Ghira: The leader of a powerful splinter group working inside the White Fang, was partially responsible for these attacks. His actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race. With each day that this man remains unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now