Vol 7 Part 10

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(3rd Person POV)

Snow continued to fall from the night sky over Mantle, collecting on roads, sidewalks and rooftops. Pietro and Maria stood outside Pietro's clinic with the door open, allowing civilians to take shelter inside.

Woman: What's going on? Is the heat off in Atlas too?

Man: They wouldn't just turn the heat off...

Pietro and Maria looked at each other.

Man: Would they?

Maria and Pietro looked up at the City of Atlas, the underside of which was still lit up cyan and purple.

Inside the dining room of the Schnee Manor, the Atlas councilmen continued to talk to James Ironwood.

Camilla: General, since the day you were appointed Headmaster, there have been Atlesians who are skeptical of one man holding two Council seats.

Ironwood: Yes, which is exactly why we have checks and balances.

Sleet: We're supposed to, but lately you've been running roughshod all over them, making unilateral decisions without us.

Ironwood: Councilman, I never intended--

Sleet: What people intend and what they do aren't always the same, General.

A butler walked into the room, stopped at Jacques Schnee's side, and whispered to him.

Jacques: Hmm? What? For how long?

The butler whispered again. Jacques' eyes widened.

Jacques: My authorization? Check it again!

The butler hurried out of the room, and Councilman Sleet looked at Jacques.

Sleet: Councilman Schnee?

Jacques tensed. As he spoke, he adjusted his tie and gestured awkwardly.

Jacques: Um... Yes, I, uh... agree with everything, everything that was, uh, just said. No, uh, no further questions.

He quieted down, collecting himself, and Sleet, Camilla and Robyn stared at him for a moment, the latter turning to Ironwood.

Robyn: I'm not quite done yet. You're afraid of something, General. Aren't you?

Ironwood: I think that's pretty obvious, Miss Hill. I'm trying to prevent Atlas from becoming another Beacon, another Haven.

While Robyn spoke, Jacques did not appear to be paying close attention. Instead, he clasped his hands in front of his face, then put his left hand to his face.

Robyn: Yet, you don't trust your own Council to help you? Operating in secret? These are the actions of somebody who's hiding something.

Ironwood: I'm not hiding anything.

Robyn: Let's put it to the test then.

Robyn stood up, and Jacques lowered his hand from his face and watched as she approached Ironwood.

Robyn: You're all aware of my semblance. Let's settle it here and now, General Ironwood.

She stood next to Ironwood and held her hand out to him. He looked at her hand, then at the councilmen.

Robyn: Here and now.

(Your POV)

You walked through the halls, looking around, as people walked past you, making your way through the crowd.

As you opened through the crowd, you looked around, seeing no one that you knew, when you did a double take, looking back.


Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now