Vol 4 Part 9

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(3rd Person POV)

Ren held Jaune back from moving forward.

Tyrian: Do you wish to be taken?

Ruby: No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!

Both Qrow and Ruby moved in to attack Tyrian who parried both weapons and the three clashed. He kicked Qrow away then shot and jabbed at Ruby with tail, she blocked and tried to counter but the blow was knocked aside. His eyes purple again, Tyrian closed in and almost got her with his stinger, but Qrow blocked it.

He went to slam his fist into the figure, when he ducked out of the way, hitting the axe against Edel's chest. However, Edel was ready with a shield made of wind formed around him, repelling the attack.

He then slammed the axe into Edel's head, the shield keeping him secure. One more attack on the body was enough to put him off balance and Edel slammed his fist into its face before sending him back with a blast of wind.

It charged again swinging the axe as Edel, closed his eyes before launching forward, a blast of wind slamming the creature in the foot and another slicing the axe in half.

Qrow glanced to the side, at Ruby.

Qrow: Ruby! What did I say? Get back!

Ruby: This is my fight, too!

She attacked Tyrian while he was still locked blade-to-blade with Qrow, but his legs arched away from the swing of Crescent Rose.

Qrow: No, it's not that. It's...

Ruby attacked again, and Tyrian moved to her. He flipped and sent her back with a two-footed kick. She slid closer to the building and gained her ground, but the wooden beams near the roof had been shaken up too much and a heavy one broke and descended upon her. Qrow sliced it in half so it fell in pieces to either side of Ruby without touching her.

She smiled at him in gratitude and affection, and he raised his head from his stance to look at her, only to gasp in pain as he was immediately cut in the abdomen by Tyrian's stinger.

The creature then tried to stab the handle of the axe into Edel's face who simply caught his arm before kneeing him in the gut. The creature bent over, the wind knocked out of them as he slammed his fist into its back.

Edel wasted no time, rushing forward, his hand leading the charge as he summoned weapons of wind, slamming them into the creature.

Tyrian chuckled while everyone but Ruby paused in shock. She, however, immediately cut off the stinger from the rest of Tyrian's tail. It bounced, spurting purple liquid, to the ground. Tyrian reeled back and cried out from the pain. Standing, he whirled to face Ruby, infuriated.

Tyrian: You bitch!

He took a step or two forward but was off balance. Nora, Ren and Jaune all moved to block his path to Ruby and Qrow.

Tyrian took a few awkward steps, not engaging.

Tyrian: She'll forgive you.

He then turned, running away.

The creature looked over to see that Tyrian was running away and tried to disappear into the shadows as Edel launched forward, grabbing the creature's face and slamming it into the ground.

He went to punch the creature, who raised its hand in defense.

As Edel got closer, he teleported behind the creature, slamming into the creature's head, who was thrown back.

Edel: Not bad... But this is going to cost you.

With that he lifted into the air. He looked at the creature, who shrunk back in what looked like fear as it was able to jump away, fading into the shadows.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now