Vol 3 Part 7

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(A/N: 20K Reads and #1 in Ruby. Cool)

(Your POV)

A shotgun blast. The horrifying snapping of bones. Silence. And a scream.

They kept on playing, over and over in your head. Although it was different now. You could see something. Yang and Mercury. The Vytal Festival Tournament no doubt. You hadn't ever attended one, but you knew of the tournament aspect.

It was meant to judge the students of the academies. The age of the competitors didn't matter. It all came down to the skill levels of the students. That's why Ruby fought against students a few years above her.

You had always wanted to be the winner of the Vytal Festival Tournament. As the Heroes of Remnant, you and Neo had been more of symbols, figures that people could look up to. However, you wanted your name to mean something, your real name.

And so when you were invited to Beacon, it was your chance. A chance for the (L/N) family to be more than some villager. It could be something greater than just a footnote in history.

Neo had always said you would win it. She would spin stories about you and her winning it together. You weren't sure why she said it, perhaps just to cheer you up.

But you knew looking back that she was just passing the time. Days on the streets got boring when you were waiting for the plan to go into action. The two of you had played games, told stories, among others.

The real big one though was singing.

For some reason, Neo had always wanted to sing. Each time you asked her why, she changed the subject or shook off the answer.

Perhaps you would never know the reason why.

But each thought you had, each string of thoughts you had, was interrupted by the snapping sound. The terrible sound of snapping bones, created a silence that filled the area. What happened next was Mercury's screams of pain, withering on the ground.

Strangely enough, you only could see the two fighters. There was no one else in the area, just the two of them surrounded by a ring of darkness. It almost was surreal, the bright clothing of Yang clashing with the dull colors of Mercury on a background of black.

So how did you know that the fight took place in the Vytal Festival Tournament? 

It seemed to be something of an instinct. Perhaps it was something of a feeling, that seemed obvious in the moment. With your Semblance, you had learned to trust any off feelings that you had. It has served you well.

So as your body was being dragged away by the Atlesian Knights in the real world, you wondered why you chose to trust Ironwood. Did you think that he might have made good on his promise, that it would erase everything that had happened in the past?

Perhaps it was the feeling that you couldn't be touched. Perhaps the idea of your Semblance had gotten into your head. Perhaps you would be tortured until you couldn't think anymore and you would never know.

You felt bad for Weiss though. She seemed to genuinely care for Edel, even if he was fighting for the opposite side. Why had you made that promise to her?

Perhaps it was out of ignorance. Perhaps it was due to the bond that you had built with both Weiss and Edel. Two different people, two different kinds of relationships that you had built.

So many questions. Why did you have so many questions at this time? Perhaps it was just passing the time as you were dragged to what would be your death.

You weren't dumb, you knew that going against Ironwood wouldn't be good, but he seemed prepared for you going against his wishes. You had known people that had been executed by Ironwood, you would certainly be high up that list, especially now.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now