Vol 8 Part 4

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(Your POV)

You woke with a start. Dim streaks of light filtered through a window, and you heard the faint sound of rain. 

You looked around, finding yourself in some sort of bedroom, not one that you had seen before. The wallpaper was blue and yellow, wallpaper peeling at the corner, and two candles were all that lit the room.

 When you shifted, you let out a moan of pain and closed your eyes.

You heard the footsteps rush over to you, and a hand was rapidly waved in front of your face, followed by a few snaps.

You forced your eyes open, as Neo looked down at you, pointing to her ears.

You nodded, groaning.

(Y/N): Not so loud. 

Your voice came out as a whisper, through dry lips. Your head throbbed with a blinding, stabbing headache.

Neo seemed to recognize the pain on your face and stayed quiet, stopping her movements, while you kept your eyes closed and waited it out. The pain went on, like something drilling into the back of your head.

After an eternity of pain, the headache started to fade, as you opened your eyes.

(Y/N): Where am I? Are you all right?

Neo's face came into focus. She had her hair down, split with brown and pink, her eyes the same color filled with worry, however she had a smile plastered on her face.

She pointed at herself, rolling her eyes, before gesturing to you and holding up two fingers.

(Y/N): Days?

She nodded, and pain hit you in waves, this time from the wounds that must have covered you.

(Y/N): Fantastic...

Neo's smile faded. It was replaced by a worrisome look as she knelt down by your side, taking your hand in hers, her eyes looking down your body, micro expressions lighting up on her face, as she looked at your wounds.


(Y/N): I'm sorry. I have to make sure that we can disappear properly. People aren't easy to buy off, especially with new advancements in Atlas.

Neo let go of your hand, turning around, before walking away, and you caught the slightest of smirks on her face.

You tried to sit up, but you moved too fast and had to bite your lip from pain, as you stumbled, falling out of the bed, and hitting into the wall as you tried to move towards her.

Neo turned back to you, and her smirk immediately faded away as she rushed over to you, supporting you, as she helped you back on the bed.

You looked up at Neo, who immediately started to prepare a fresh bandage for your arm. 

Suddenly you heard the door open, and you grabbed your pistol on the bedside table, when Neo held out her arm, stopping you. You hesitated for a moment, but relented. 

You trusted Neo.

A man walked in, shaking drops of rain from an umbrella, carrying a brown paper bag in his other hand.

Man: You're awake. Girl, do you think you can leave by tomorrow morning?

Neo nodded, picking up a bottle of something clear, most likely alcohol, and wet the edge of a bandage with it. You flinched when it touched to where the bullet grazed your arm, feeling like a match lit against your skin.

Man: I'm afraid I can't help much more.

(Y/N): It's fine, thanks.

The man nodded, leaving the room, as you turned back to Neo. She didn't make any effort to communicate at all, which seemed odd, because just a few days earlier, you had 'talked' easily at dinner, and when she sat next to you nothing seemed off.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now