Episode 1: And Then There Were 10

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~(Age 4)~

"Y/N! Y/N!"

I turn to see Ben towards me at full speed "Look at this!" He says, showing me a (Favorite Animal) plushie "Whoa, where'd you get that?" I ask in awe "My dad took me to the fair while you went to the doctor. And I won this! I know this is your favorite animal so I thought I'd give it to you..." Ben tells me, handing me the soft plush "Aw thank you!" I squeal, pulling Ben into a hug "Y-You're welcome..." Ben mumbles as I pull away "What are you gonna call it?" He asks, looking down "Mm.....Min!" I say.

"Min? Why that?" Ben asks "Because, I have my best friend Benji and then my (Favorite Animal)  plushie Min! Benji-Min." I laugh. Ben stares at me with red cheeks before laughing "I like it!" He says proudly, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his house. We both giggle as we race to the door.

"And I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up."

"Yeah right." Ben scoffs, making me snicker. We grin at the sound of the bell ringing "Yes! Out of here!" Ben cheers, I grab my backpack and we make our way to the door "Everyone, have a good vacation, and I hope to see you all again in the fall." Ms. Reed says. I grin widely as my feet touch the outside of the classroom

"Benjamin. Could I have a word with you before you go?"

Ben and I share a glance as Ms. Reed holds up a paper airplane "Good luck Benji, I'll meet you outside." I say with a laugh before speeding away.

~Time Skip~

I growl at Cash and JT as they corner a boy. I sigh and glance at the school, Ben wasn't back yet....

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I shout "Get lost, Girlie." JT scoffs "I said leave him alone!" I repeat "Why don't you go find your boyfriend?" Cash laughs "Why don't you leave the boy alone? Or else!" I growl. Cash smirks down at me "Oh, looks like we've got us a hero. Suppose we don't want to back off." He says as he and JT slowly start getting closer.

I back up nervously "Not so tough now huh?" JT says. I look down "Leave her alone!" Ben shouts, running up to my side "What if we don't want to, Tennyson?" JT asks. Ben, Cash, and JT all glare at each other before Ben charges towards them.

~Time Skip~

"It was a good try, I'm honestly proud of ourselves." I say, struggling to get my hood untangled from the tree branch "Thanks a lot." The boy says harshly "She was just trying to help." Ben states "Well, make sure next time your girlfriend plays hero, she can actually back it up." I glare at the boy before falling.

A RV pulls up and rolls down the window "Come on, you two. Let's go," Max says "We're burning daylight. I want to make it to the campsite by nightfall." I look at him before looking at Ben "Uh, Grandpa, a little help here?" Ben asks.

~3 Minutes Later~

I follow Ben and Max into the RV "I've so been looking forward to this." Ben says happily, I pause when I see someone out the corner of my eye. I turn to see Gwen staring at us "Hey Gwen." I wave, but Ben wasn't as calm "What are you doing here? What is she doing here?" He asks. Gwen rolls her eyes "Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea," She states "Somebody convinced my mom that going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me."

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now