Episode 28: Under Wraps

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A/N: Hi...

I was playing on my DS at the table, Ben was next to me and listening to music while watching me play and Gwen was sitting across from us, reading her spellbook.

"You gotta love summer vacation," Ben says calmly "Nothing to do all day long but sit around and-oh!" Max looms over us, Ben turns to Max as his headphones fall off "Hey!" Ben whines. I pause my game and turn to see Max in his robe, covered with soap "Grandpa, what gives?" Ben asks.

Max looks down at him sternly "What gives is that I ran out of water in the shower...again. It's your job to keep the tank full, Ben." Max sighs, drying his hair. Ben huffs, he leans into me lazily "I will-just later." Ben says. I go back to playing my game, "Sure. The same way you're going to make your bed or take out the trash?" Gwen teases "You're a fine one to talk, young lady. You think those dirty dishes are just gonna wash themselves? And Y/N, when are you going to make your bed?" Max asks.

How'd I get dragged into this?

"Why make it if I'm gonna be back in it in a few hours?" I ask blankly, pausing my game again. "It's summer vacation, Grandpa." Gwen whines "Yeah. If we wanted to do chores, we could have just stayed at home." Ben says before a voice plays through the speaker of his Music Pocket

"Woo! Y'all ready for a little fresh air? Want a chance to commune with the animals? You know someone who needs to learn the value of some good old-fashioned hard work? Then sign your whole clan up for a week at Dairyville's Family Fun Farm Camp and experience life on a real working farm."

We all slowly turn to Max, who was smirking at us... "I do not like that look in his eye." Ben sighs nervously, Gwen and I nod in agreement, swallowing nervously.


"Just lemme jump out the window! I'm not gonna die from it! You know I'll come back-"
"Y/N, knock it off!"

Ben wrestles with me lightly, pulling me away from the open window. He clings onto me tightly, shuffling away from the window. I whine tiredly when Gwen shuts the window, Max chuckles a little "Trust me. You're gonna love it. When I was a kid, I spent every summer on my Uncle Jedediah's farms, learning the value of a little hard work is just what you kids need." Max says.

The Rust Bucket pulls up to a farm, I look at it "At least there's gonna be cute animals..." I mumble, trying to remain positive...and failing to remain positive.

We walk out of the Rust Bucket, I squint at the brightness of the sun. "Welcome. I'm Joan Maplewood, this is my son Todd. You must be the Tennysons." Joan greets "Technically I'm a L/N." I state tiredly. We just got here and I'm already ready to leave. "For now, anyway." Ben mutters, glaring at the ground with his arms crossed "Please, I'm getting my name hyphenated." I snort quietly, elbowing him a little.

"Yes, call me Max. And these tenderfoots are my grandkids and my grandson's girlfriend-Ben, Gwen, and Y/N." Max says. The three of us look around with bored expression, "Hi!" Todd greets with a wide smile. "Hey." We sigh before I hear a squeal, I notice the baby pig in Todd's arms "Aw..." I gasp. The pig squeals happily.

Joan chuckles, "Well, enough chitchat. You're here to work. You can start by unloading that truck full of feed over there." She states, gesturing to the truck. "Righty-o!" Max says, heading right for the truck. We lazily follow behind him, Ben hold his hands out as Max hands him a bag of feed. Ben grunts when he actually has to hold it, I nervously hold my hands out to.

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ