Episode 12: Truth

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A/N: Sooooo, I went off script here. But it's still similar, I just added some original things.

~Author's POV~

A young Vilgax walks into a base, it didn't take long for him to get shot. "You." Vilgax growls, barely effected by the blast. "It's over, Vilgax!" A young Max shouts"You're going down!" A young Justin shouts harshly, "Many have tried, none have succeeded." Vilgax scoffs. "Until now, slimeball!" Justin growls, charging towards Vilgax "Justin-WAIT!" Mac shouts. Vilgax leaps high into the air before Justin could reach him, Justin growls and takes multiple shots at him.

In was all in vain, Vilgax kicked Justin in the face, causing him helmet to fly off. Max gasps as Vilgax holds Justin in a choke hold, aiming his weapon at Justin's face "Back away, or watch one of your cites be destroyed." Vilgax hisses. Max turns to look at the nuke that was about to be launched...

"Put the weapon down now!"

Max sighs and drops his weapon onto the ground below him. "You can't just let him get away." Justin says in shock "Never said I would, Kid." Max says, a small contraption pop out of his suit and shoots the weapon out of Vilgax's hand. Justin takes the opportunity to throw Vilgax off him, Vilgax stumbles back and growls. "You're too late." Vilgax states "Wrong. My timing's perfect." Max says, shooting Vilgax with a green goo. The green goo causes Vilgax to stick the nuke.


"What are you doing?!" Justin gasps "Sending Vilgax out with a bang." Max says, watching Vilgax shoot up into the air...

~Y/N's POV~

"-And then kablam-o. No more Vilgax. Or so I thought, until today."

"Whoa, you and Mr. L/N were heroes?!" Ben gasps excitedly "And partners like us?!" I ask with just as much excitement. Ben and I were sitting together in the front seat, Max glances at us and sighs tiredly "We were just two guys doing our job." He says with a smile. Ben and I share happily glances, "Excuse me, but what exactly was that job?" Gwen asks. "We called ourselves the Plumbers. Officially, we didn't exist We were the guys who fixed problems no one else could...extraterrestrial, extrasensory, extraordinary." Max states.

Ben beams proudly, wrapping an arm around me "So, all this time we've been going hero, we've really been following in your footsteps." Ben states, I gasp "We're Plumbers in training!" Ben and I laugh excited. "Ugh...I hate it when they talk in sync..." Gwen groans quietly before frowning "You knew about the watch and Y/N's powers the whole time?" Gwen asks, "I didn't really know about the watch, it was just a rumor to us. And knowing about Y/N's powers was a must, consider M/N has them..." Max states "But I was just as surprised as you when it turned up on Ben's wrist."

I glance at the Omnitrix, "You always told us we could tell you anything, Grandpa...guess you didn't feel the same." Gwen huffs. Max sighs and pulls over as police cars and ambulances drive by, "Alright! Could be a chance for the Plumbers to go back to work!" Ben cheers excitedly "Woo!" I cheer, putting on my suit. "Ugh, you should start by unclogging that hairball from your brains, Mr and Mrs Plumber~" Gwen teases. Ben looks back at Gwen and smirks "Ah, you're just jealous cuz you're not part of the family business." He says, sticking his tongue out. Gwen rolls her eyes and I giggle.

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