Episode 32: The Visitor

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I clean my glasses with an annoyed huff, I put them back on. Ben walks up to me, covered with dog spit and slobber. Gwen laughs loudly and I fight back a snicker, "Do not think I won't hug you." Ben says seriously. I go quiet, "Hey, Grandpa! Check this out!" Gwen laughs, gesturing to Ben, we all turn to see Max staring at an old couple. Gwen and I frown in confusion, sharing a look.

"You really shouldn't fool around with your powers like that Gwen, honestly. I thought you were more mature than that." Ben say, wiping off the slobber "Grandpa seems pretty bummed." Gwen says "Yeah..." I say "Really?" Ben asks before walking over to Max. I follow behind him, "Hey, Grandpa, what's wrong?" Ben asks.

Max turns to us, "Oh, nothing, nothing. I'm fine. I just need a little time to myself, that's all." He sighs. Gwen walks up and pulls me and Ben away from Max "No problem. We'll be at the playground." She says with a forced grin. She grips our arms tightly as she drags us "Hey! That's hurts!" Ben groans "We know how to walk, Gwen!" I huff. Gwen stops pulling us once we were a good distance away, I rub my arm "What's wrong with you? You know, other than the obvious."

We take a seat on the grass, Ben sits in between me and Gwen. Gwen hugs her knees while Ben lays on his back. I just sit criss cross apple sauce, levitating small pieces of grass and watch it fly around. "My mom told me that Grandma and Grandpa met in St. Louis." Gwen states, I stop levitating the grass and turn to give her my attention. I frown sadly "Yeah, so?" Ben asks "Benji, we're in St. Louis..." I state "So being here reminds him of Grandma." Gwen states.

"Poor, Max...he's probably feeling lonely." I mumble, I've never actually met Ben and Gwen's grandmother, but I know it's hard for Max since she's not around anymore. Ben nudges me gently, "Come on, N/N. How can Grandpa be lonely when we're around him all the time?" He asks, Gwen and I both sigh at that question "Even you can't be that clueless." Gwen groans before we hear screaming. We all stand and run towards the playground, we stop at the sight of an alien.

She notices us, her eyes glow purple and Ben starts to levitate into the air. "The Omnitrix! Where did you get it?! Answer me!" The alien shouts. I growl and my eyes glow a dark F/C, "Yeah, that's a long story, but the short answer is-" I cut Ben off by levitating the alien high into the air, higher than Ben was "That doesn't matter cuz you ain't getting it." I growl, flashing my fangs. The alien starts at me in shock as Ben turns into Heatblast.

Ben shoots his flames at the alien, I shield my face (mostly my stupid glasses) from the smoke. I gasp when she starts to levitate pieces from the playground, dropping Ben in the process. The alien throw the pieces at us, Ben jumps in front of me and burns the pieces with ease. The alien looks at a fire hydrant and it breaks, she levitates the water and throws it onto Ben. He crashes beside Gwen, "Ok, now I really don't like you." I growl before the dark hue around her shifts into a black. I raise her up higher before smashing her into the ground. I raise her back up again, prepping to smash her down again.

"Y/N! Wait!"

"That voice..." the alien gasps, I turn to see Max running up "Max?" She asks "Xylene? Is that you?" Max asks in surprise. I slowly put her down, eyeing her carefully "Uh, did I miss something?" Ben asks, walking up to me with Gwen behind him. "Are these children with you?" Xylene asks, Max nods.


Ben and I glare at Xylene from where we sat, "She's been here for like 3 hours, and she hasn't said anything to us." Ben grumbles "Other than, 'where did you get the Omnitrix?! Answer me!'." I mock with a gruff voice "You'd think we were invisible or something." Ben sighs "Don't take it so personal. They're just catching up." Gwen says.

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