Episode 14: Framed

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"Ugh, we've been in this line of two hours, and it hasn't budged an inch." Gwen groans tiredly, I lean out the line to see the distance "Snall price to pay for Sumo Slammer 2.1. I'd do anything to get this game. Even be seen in public with you." Ben says harshly. I hop back in line with them and Gwen rolls her eyes "Don't you already have this stupid video game?" She asks. I look around before letting out a quiet gasp.

"Max, the new Marvel comic book is sitting in the bookstore over there. Can I go run it buy it real quick? Please." I ask excitedly. Max glances at the bookstore and nods "Wait-what about the game?" Ben calls as I walk across the street "Um, save my spot, I'll be back." I call back.

I run into the bookstore, I smile at the sudden rush of cold air. "Hello dear, what would you like?" The lady asks "The new Marvel comic please." I say, the door opens again. I look back to see Gwen and Max walking in "Where's Benji?" I ask "He's gonna get the game and meet us at the Rust Bucket." Gwen states. "Hm, I'm surprised he's willing to wait that long." I snort, placing the book on the counter.

Gwen gasps excitedly "Check this out! A book on charms and magic!" She says, grabbing the book "Ooh! Let me see!" I say. I walk over to her


Gwen and I walk with our books, Gwen got her charms book and I ended up buying two book. My comic book and a Sumo Slammers comic "So, think Ben's gone stir crazy in that line yet?" Gwen asks "Nah, he's impatient but he's not that bad." I state before hearing an explosion.

I put on my suit as people run out of the store, oh no...Ben's in there.

My concern worsens when I see Fourarms jump out that store. The Fourarms glares at us and a police car zooms toward him. "That can't be Benji..." I mumble nervously as he picks up a police car "...Uh, why is your boyfriend going berserk and tossing around police officers?" Gwen asks with a worried tone "Good question." Max states "That can't be him." I say firmly.

"Ben wouldn't be this stupid over a video game." I say seriously, using his actual name "What about that time you two snuck into the hotel room?" Gwen asks "Yeah, but we didn't hurt anyone." I sigh, watching Ben throw a car...

"Am I...suppose to fight him?" I ask  nervously, I gasp and put a force field around us when Ben throws a fluffing light pole at us.

"He must have snapped his cap. All this for a video game?!" Gwen asks "I don't believe it." Max says "I won't believe it." I sigh, levitating a car that Ben threw and placing it on the ground. Ben growls before staring at me, I shoot him a hurt/confused look as a green truck pulls up. "Lieutenant Steel, special alien containment team. We'll take it from here. Concussion bazooka!" Lieutenant Steel orders.

"That doesn't look good." Max mumbles, his eyes widen when I book past the soldiers and run towards Ben. He's still throwing car, "Ben, what are you doing?!" I shout. Ben turns to me and grins wickedly. My eyes widen as

he aims to throw the car on me "You wouldn't..." I say firmly, Ben only smirks before getting shot with the soldier's gun.

Was he really gonna drop that car on me?

Max and Gwen run to my side "You ok?" Gwen asks before Ben throws a brick-pizza oven at the police cars. He lets out a load roar and takes off, "Not mentally..." I mumble "There must be a logical explanation, right?" Max asks. Gwen pats my shoulder as I look down sadly.

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