Episode 2: Washington B.C.

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I cheer with the crowd as Ben gently place down the mom and little boy "I thought you were staying in the Rust Bucket." Ben says, looking down at me "What? No way! I wanted to see all the action too!" I laugh. Ben shakes his head before looking at the crowd "I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for-no way!" I turn to see the little boy holding a golden Sumo Slammer card "Whoa where'd you get that?!" I ask.

The boy stares at me and Ben in confusion "It was a prize inside a box of Sumo Smack cereal." He tell us before Max honks the horn "Yo, super doofuses. The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. That bad guys are getting away." Ben looks at me and the boy "Uh...I knew that." He says.

I hold a marshmallow over Ben's head as we ride in the Rust Bucket, I grin and stick it between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate "I knew I should have bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance." Max sighs, staring at Ben. Ben turn to him "Sorry, Grandpa. I can't help it. I'm hot..." Ben says innocently "Yeah, Y/N would agree with that." Gwen scoffs under her breath, making me panic and blush. Ben's flames start to have a weird orange glow as he was turning his head back


Gwen sprays Ben with the fire extinguisher, I sigh nervously and take another bite of my smore. Ben glares at Gwen and the flames come back in a instant "10 superheroes on that stupid watch and you picked the one with the flaming butt?" Gwen asks "Jealous?" Ben asks with a smirk. Gwen rolls her eyes and sprays Ben again.

~Small Time Skip~

"Step aside, son. This isn't playtime!"

Ben turns to the cop "Playtime? I'm the one who captured them," He says as the cops walk off "It's not fair. I'm the hero. Oh, man."

~Another Time Skip~

"Only canned octopus? I thought this store prided itself on wide selection." Max says, Gwen and I share a look "Uh Max....no offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? Ben and Gwen keep eating up my poptarts!" I huff "Nonsense," Max laughs, patting my head "Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?" Gwen and I gag "I'm gonna buy more poptarts. Wanna add to the donation?" I ask.

Gwen look at me "I got 6$." She says, handing me a 1 and a 5 "Alright, I'll be back." I say, walking away before there's a green flash "Benji?" I ask. I walk towards the flash to see the cereal isle destroyed. I gasp at the moving box "Oh man. Another red card." I hear Grey Matter pout.

I take the cereal box and look inside "What are you doing?" I ask, pulling Ben out of the box "Trying to find us the gold Sumo Slammer card." He tells me "Benji, you're only supposed to use your powers to help people, remember? Like Batman. We'll get the cards some other time-"

A guy clears his throat. "Crap..." I mumble, hiding Ben behind my back and turning to the guy.

"Just what do you think you're doing, young lady?" He asks, staring down at me. "I'm sorry, Mister. I-I just lost my pet frog. And my friend thought it got lost in the cereal boxes..." I say nervously. I hate getting in trouble, I wish the guy would just believe me and walk away. Ben squirms in my grip, and ends up dropping my bracelet "Oops."

Suddenly the man's eyes flash (Favorite Color) and his scowl turns into a smile "That's ok, kid! I understand, you clearly don't seem like a kid that causes trouble, but I can't leave these boxes in the store. In fact, how about I let you take them for free?"  He asks with a kind tone. I stare at him with a shocked expression "Seriously?" I ask "Yep! Here, I'll carry them for you." The guy says.

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now