Episode 15: Gwen 10

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~Author POV~

Ben jolts awake and looks around "N/N? Grandpa? Gwen?" Ben mumbles tiredly, looking around.

You and Gwen were slurping on smoothies as Max filled the Rust Bucket with gas. A loud ringing erupts from the store and 2 burglars run out, smacking into Gwen. She drops her drink and growls at them "Hey! That was a mega..." Gwen trails off when the robber looks at her. You and Gwen stare at them in fear "Gwen! Y/N! Run!" Max shouts, you grab Gwen's hand and pull her away

The burglars struggle to start them motorcycles as Ben walks out of the Rust Bucket. He grins excited "Ah, when are these losers ever gonna learn?" Ben asks cockily "What is he doing?" Gwen asks "I didn't know he had a death wish..." You mutter in confusion.

"Dummy, the kid just saw you!" The burglar with a skull mask shouts, they turn to look at Ben. Ben grins, ready to fight "Ben! Get back inside!" Max calls nervously as you and Gwen return to his side. "Are you kidding me? These guys are a piece of cake, I'm shocked Y/N doesn't want to join in on this action." Ben says, you wordlessly duck behind Gwen.

Ben shrugs "More icing for Fourarms." He says, slapping his palm down onto his wrist to turn into....

Wait, absolutely nothing happened.

It was nice knowing you Ben.

"Hey-where's the watch?"

Ben stands there with wide eyes "This is so not happening!" He gasp before looking over to you for help, you stand there with a fearful expression as the burglars charge right towards Ben.

Ben stands there in fear, Max grabs a gas pump "Ben, don't just stand there!" Max shouts. He whips the guy off the motorcycle, the second one looks at Max before charging right for Max "Look out!" You and Gwen shout. Max turns and grabs a trash can, chucking it at the second guy "Yeah!" Gwen cheers, dragging you to look at the unconscious guy.

You look at man in confusion as Ben walks up to you "N/N, where's the watch?" Ben asks nervously "What watch?" You asks. All of you start to get inside the Rust Bucket, Gwen heads to the passenger seat and you watch Ben was he goes through everything in the back "Grandpa, you were amazing out there!" Gwen says in awe

"Amazing? He's been doing that all summer!" Ben says before mumbling "No way did the watch just slip off my wrist-N/N, help me look." You blink in confusion "Ben, what are you talking about? And I picked you up, you weren't wearing a watch." Max states "And why would Y/N help you look for it?" Gwen asks. Ben shoot everyone a confused look....

"Is the heating getting to all of you? I'm talking about the Omnitrix-and how come you didn't help take out those bad guys?!" Ben asks, turning to you "Because I'm 10 year old that wants to make it to art school...." You say awkwardly "And why are you so quiet?" Ben asks "Ben, leave her be." Gwen sighs "I'll help you look for it." You say with a shrug.

Gwen stands up and follow behind you wordlessly "What's it look like?" You ask "You know what it looks like, you've seen me use it a million times!" Ben says, shoving you playfully. Gwen frowns at the contact and you blink in confusion "What is going on with you guys?" Ben asks, Gwen placing a hand on Ben's forehead "Nothing..."

"Maybe he has heatstroke or something." You suggest "I'm fine," Ben sighs, smacking Gwen's hand away "I've been fine all summer." "All summer? News flash, this is our first day together." Gwen states "That's impossible, we've been on the road for weeks. Taking on aliens, kicking bad guy butt, me and N/N have gone hero, like, a thousand times." Ben says

Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Tennyson x Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now