Episode 17: Ultimate Weapon

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I flinch awake, letting out a silent gasp for air. I hold my throat as my body start to glow black.

"Y/N? Calm down...everything's ok..."

Max turns to me with a concern as I pant, tears prick my eyes "I...I couldn't breathe...I lost control..." I mumble, rocking back and forth. "It was just a nightmare, look around. You're still in control, ok?" Max says softly. I nod, swallowing thickly, but the glow doesn't fade this time.

"Take a deep breath, ok?" Max says, I nod my head quickly "Yeah. Don't worry. I'm fine...I'll be fine. I promise." I say. Max frowns "Promise you'll talk to me anytime you feel like you're losing control." He says seriously "I...I promise..." I mumble, Max ruffles my head gently before climbing into his bed. I hug myself closely.

Ben's bunk above me squeaks, causing me to flinch. He looks at me expectantly. We stare at each other and silent for a moment.

"Want me to come in your bunk?"

Ben climbs down and takes a seat next to me "How did you-" "Just call me the best boyfriend ever~. I can sense when my girlfriend's upset." Ben whispers proudly, wrapping an arm around me. I smile at him nervously, I nudge him jokngly "You better keep that power." I snort. "Don't worry, whenever you lose control, I'm gonna be here to help you get it back. All the time." He says with a wide grin, Gwen grumbles quietly "We get it...you are a good boyfriend-shut up and go to sleep." She groans. Ben and I share a glance before giggle quietly, making Gwen groan more.

"Well? What do you think? Bet you've never tasted anything like that before."

I chew my food with a nervous expression "What's the crunchy stuff?" Ben asks "Dung beetle." Max says. I spit my food out without hesitation, Ben and Gwen do the same. "What too spicy? You'll get used to it." Max says with a smile.

An alarm start going off, "Hey!" Ben and I yelp as a screen nearly hits us. The screen moves towards Max, he gasps "No..." "Grandpa? What is it?" Ben asks "The mask from Apuk," Max states "It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created...and we need to find it."


"The mask of Apuk is the guide to the sword of Echtua. The plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck." Max says, Ben and I were sitting together in the front seat, "Echtua? What kind of alien is that?" Ben asks "Not alien, Mayan. Echtua was the Mayan God of war. His sword was rumored to have leveled cities with just one swipe." Max states "Ooh! Do we get to keep it?" I ask excitedly "This is no toy, Y/N. Whoever controls the sword controls the destiny of mankind and I will NOT let it fall into the wrong hands." Max says seriously. Ben and I share a look.

I hope this won't be his mood the whole time...


I stare at the building as Max brings the Rust Bucket to a stop "Bet they're keeping it in the basement. Ben, you go alien and sneak in. Then open the side door for us." Max says seriously "Sneak in? Don't you mean break in?" Ben asks playfully "Ben, I haven't time to explain how important it is for us to get the mask. Now can I count on you or not?"

Ben blinks at the question "You know you can...Grandpa." He says, Max stands up and walks to the back. "What's up with Grandpa?" Ben whispers to me and Gwen "Yeah...he's so...intense." I mumble. Gwen scoffs and shoots us a look "Cut him some slack, will ya? He's trying to save the world." She says, Ben looks at me. I shrug and he dials on the watch.

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